~ Chapter 3 ~

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Gauri just kept looking at Anika as she knew she was in deep thinking, but she still decided to bring her back to the real world. Devi (refer as a goddess in India) now tell me everything, asked Gauri. "How did these changes come into you? I tried taking you out of that house several times before, but you never listened to me and today you called me and asked you to bring out of that hell. Did you realize your importance today, tell me, Devi?" Anika looked at her and went into deep thinking.

She started thinking about, how she realized her own importance in her life. She remembered about her having a unique personality and having her own existence which was far better than how she was behaving now. She knew if she did not take this step now then not only her but many of her workers will also have to suffer because of her mistake. She realized if she did not fight with this world of hers then this demon will win and Anika inside her will die forever. She realized what her best friend from college had told her once. She had lost contact with him, but she knew if he was with her, he would have been proud of her. He had once told, "If you get lost then remember who you are and remember what you have gone through to become who you are now. If you still can not find yourself then question your own existence which will lead you to the right path. If you finally find yourself then break all the handcuffs that are holding you back and this handcuff can be anything your own family or the society but set your soul free and you will find yourself out of all the difficult situations and on the right path." She came out of her thinking and held Gauri's hand and squeezed it while she passed her old smile back which her best friend had missed in this whole year. She then said, "Ri, I have finally found myself and now this world will know Anika back as a fierce lioness instead of that rabbit that was harmed by that lion. My name is from that goddess who had killed Mahishasura, the demon after those long nine days all alone to save the world and all the gods. I promise you Ri I will punish Karan in a way he would never have imagined. I will destroy his existence in a way he had destroyed mine. He wants my property and that is why he married me but now I will make him suffer the same way he had made me suffer. I promise this Navratri, he will come to know the power of Anika and by the end of Navratri he will be in jail." Gauri was listening to her with a smile on her face.

"I know you will punish him, and I am with you, but you did not answer my previous question. You did not answer how did my old Anika found herself?" asked Gauri.

Anika smiled and answered, "An old friend of mine had once told me something and that's what has helped me to come back to life. He had once said, "If you get lost then remember who you are and remember what you have gone through to become who you are now. If you still cannot find yourself then question your own existence which will lead you to the right path. If you finally find yourself then break all the handcuffs that are holding you back and this handcuff can be anything your own family or the society but set your soul free and you will find yourself out of all the difficult situations and on the right path." He was right because as soon as I found myself all of my strength came back to me and now the world will know." Gauri gave her expression as if she was impressed.

There was a man in another room who had a smile on his face as soon as he heard her voice but what shocked him was when she referred to her old friend's saying. She is finally back and now life is going to be interesting. I wish this time she will take decisions without being emotional. He then left the hospital.

The next morning, Shivay went back to the hospital and he saw Gauri standing outside Anika's room. He went to his locker to get his coat and pager. He went to check his patients and then to Anika's room to check her. He checked her and gave her all her supplements and notes her vitals. He checked around to look for Gauri but did not found her and saw Anika was still sleeping. He then kissed her forehead and caressed her face while his eyes filled with tears. He then sat next to her for a few minutes and started observing her face and noticed a frown on her forehead. Before she opened her eyes, he left her room. He went to the children's ward to check on them and give them their medicine, but they refused to take them. He then again became a clown to entertain kids and to give them their medicine. He did not know that a pair of eyes were looking at him and admiring him. He then went to his cabin and started thinking about his old days. He started thinking about his college days and saw a girl running behind him with her sandals in his hand to hit him while he squads to save himself from her. They both then sit there after having a laughing riot and looks at each other and start to laugh again. "Promise me Shiv, you will never leave me. Promise me." Said the girl. He was about to promise her when someone called them, and they went back to their classes forgetting about their promise. He came out of his thoughts after the beeping of his pager. He went to check the patient and to finish all the formalities. He was going to his cabin when he saw Gauri and went to her. "Hello, Miss Banerjee." Said him.

"Hello, Mr. Roy. When can I take Anika home?" Said Gauri. She was going to ask him more questions when her phone beeps and she asks Shivay if he would take her of Anika as there was a family emergency.

"You cannot take her home yet as we have to keep her under observation as there was some internal bleeding and so, we can not let her go home until that bleeding area heals. Anyway, I think this place is safer for her than going out of the hospital. You don't worry you can go; I will be her side as my shift has already been finished. Bye, will see you soon." Said Shivay and Gauri left the hospital.  


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