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"Help!" Mike yelled. Max coughed and breathed heavily.
"Max, stay awake. Someone is going to come for us. We are going to be fine, okay?" he told her.
"Are you trying to convince me or yourself?" Max asked softly.

Four days earlier
Max sat in class trying her best to concentrate. A paper was thrown at the redhead and when she turned around it was her rival Melanie. She picked up the paper and read it.
Stay awake, pig
Max wrote on a different piece of paper, crumbled it up and threw it back at Melanie.
Go to hell, cow

After class Max walked to her locker and opened it. "Max," Eleven said.
"Oh, hey, El," Max said.
"You excited for the trip to Hawkins woods?" Eleven asked.
"Sure," Max said digging through her locker.
"Look who it is," El said. Max closed her locker and looked over, it was Mike and his silly friend Brayden.
"He could've stayed in the party," El said.
"We all knew he would be the first to leave,"

The next day Max packed clothes in her gym bag. "Where you going, little shit?" That was the annoying sound of her brother's voice.
"Over night feild trip, Mom and Neil signed the papers and paid, so buzz off," Max said walking past him.

Max caught the bus and sat next to Eleven. "You excited?" El asked her redheaded friend.
"Yeah, duh," Max said.

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