¦T H R E E¦

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"Please do be warned, the one you'll be working for is quite...childish and also a human bomb of unstable emotions so do be careful"

Soraru remembered word by word what Amatsuki said the day they both discussed everything there is to this job, and he was indeed very grateful for that since he is now handling his life's greatest jeopardy.

"His mood swings come and go unexpectedly, and his cravings are of the odd combinations"

"Soraru~ I wanna eat sushi with pudding!" The albino whined, he dragged the older male's name as he rolled on the red and white carpeted floor of the living room.

"Eh? But we don't have sushi!" Soraru said, crossing his arms but the albino continued to whine like a small child.

"Then make me sushiiiiiiii~" Once again mafumafu whined, annoyed soraru decided to abide to the albino's request muttering a small but low toned "Fine".

"You'll know when he fully trusts you when he stops using formalities and gives you a Childish nickname"

The White haired albino was seated on a comfy chair in the lounge with soraru.

The albino sat on top bean bag while soraru sat in front of him, fiddling with his Nintendo Switch™ playing a few games.

"Your hair is so soft and it smells good too like blueberries~" said Mafumafu as he nuzzled his face on the other male's hair.

"I love it so much~" The white haired male mused, digging his fingers deeper in the male's locks.

"No you don't and it doesn't smell like blueberries" Soraru denied as he kept playing his game, spamming on the controls.

"Right Tsun~ra~ru~" The albino said as he pronounced each Syllable teasingly.

"He has unexpected episodes so you should be aware of your surroundings"

As the blue haired male was passing by the albino's room he could hear soft sobs and whimpers, he peaked on the door that was left ajar and saw the white haired male curled up in a ball on the corner of his bed. 

"Mafu? Are you alright?" Soraru asked softly, trying his best not the startle the young male.

"S-soraru-san? I-I'm s-cared" Mafumafu stuttered as his body shook in fear. 

"Shhh.. Cheer up don't cry,  say if you stop crying, I'll make you something delicious" The blue haired male said, trying to cheer up the albino as he cradled him in his arms.

"Really?" Asked mafumafu his eyes stopped tearing, "Really" Soraru reassured, wiping mafumafu's tears away with his thumb and brought mafumafu to the kitchen.

"Even though he has his sight disability, he never lets it get in the way of having fun"

The Albino happily pressed the piano keys, he was currently playing Dvořák, Humoresque No. 7.

Small smile was plastered on his face as he did. Soraru looked intently at the male who played the piano flawlessly, having the urge to take out his phone and take a picture of him.

As the music ended mafumafu turned to soraru, "Soraru, do you know how to dance waltz?" The albino asked.

"Yeah, why?" The older male replied, indeed he knew waltz as he was taught in his high school years and so had a bad feeling about it.

"Can we dance?" Requested the albino with pleading eyes, soraru just sighed and played Boccherini, Minuetto before he had grabbed mafumafu's hand and led the dance.

A few talks could be made out as they danced to the beat, mafumafu taking the role of the female as his body was petite and feminine and soraru, the male as he was taller than the other and obviously had a bigger build than the albino.

They swayed, twirled in sync and the albino had the chance to be held up the blue haired male as they were spinning.

As the music was already on its peak, mafumafu accidentally stepped on soraru's foot and leaned a bit far back resulting the both of them to topple down

The older male was on top of the other, their faces evidently flustered only a few centimeters apart from each other.

"M-mafu! I'm sorry I didn't mean to!" The blue haired male panicked, scrambling away from the albino who did the same.

"I-It's alright soraru, it was my fault too!" The albino touched his heating face as he said it.




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