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Soraru mumbled something under his breath as he shuffled from one room to the other, looking for something important whilst checking back and forth on his phone every minute.

"Soraru-san? What's all the ruckus about?" An albino male asked, emerging from the bath, a pale peach coloured oversized sweatshirt covered his small frame, pair of white shorts that stopped an inch below the hem of the shirt.

Crystaling water droplets falling off his damp hair, giving him an angelic look to the human eye.

His question was ignored by the other who continued on his treasure hunt, checking every nook and cranny of the house, it was that important.

"Soraru" Mafumafu called out softly but got ignored once more. The albino pouted, crossing his arms in front of his chest like a small child who got upset because they didn't get what they wanted.

"Soraru" The other said with a strict tone of seriousness, a towel draped on top of his nape, soaking up all the excess water.

"Yes love?" Soraru questioned but his attention was still on the device, not even bothering to look at the other.

Mafumafu figured it was extremely important so he just let the male be and stepped into the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of strawberry-vanilla flavoured milk from the fridge and proceeds to chug it down heavily.

What could he say? Soraru wouldn't let him get ahold of any dangerous beverages in the house such as a carton of sugary chocolate milk.

He looked at the window, seeing the sun brightly shining in the midst of day.

Deciding he would talk a small stroll around the block, he checked on the other male who held a half open book on one hand, the other typed on his computer, a pair of semi-rounded black steel rimmed glasses rested on the bridge of his nose and his nose scrunched up in seriousness.

Giggling at the sight, mafumafu made sure to leave a note on the dining table that says he'd be back before dinner.

He got out of the house, closing the front door shut. Strolling down the side walk, he wondered how long had it been since he moved in with Soraru, one could say a solid year at least.

Humming to a song, his every step in sync. A quaint aesthetic looking flower shop stood right across the street, he remembered passing it whenever he would go to work in the studio.

Mafumafu looked both ways of the street, making sure that no vehicle would run over him, the last thing he wanted was making soraru's brain go over-drive from worrying.

The albino stared at the glass window pane that separated him and all the different splash of colours of greens, pinks, reds and every other colour there is available.

A lady around her early 40's came out from the shop holding a pot of freshly watered gardenias, she sat it down beside the glass door of the shop.

"Oh my, good afternoon young man, is there anything that perks your interest?" The lady asked mafumafu, the male just shrugged.

"is that so, care for some tea?" she offered, mafumafu could only nod politely.

They entered the shop smelling a waft of a refreshing scent, they sat down on a table that had a set of white fine china ceramic tea pot and tea cups, sugar cube containers and a plate finger snacks in the Center.

The lady poured both of them tea, dropping a lump of sugar in each. Mafumafu's eyes wandered around the area, passing a few colourful plants ever so often until it finally landed on a certain one, reminding him a certain blue haired male who he ever loved so dearly.

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