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Two days...

Soraru had only two days left with mafumafu until the surgery, he should be happy but why does he feel lonely?

His mind going off to who knows where as he stared out into the distance, his eyes glistening against the gentle morning light of the sun.

He sat him self on one of the metal chairs on the balcony of the albino's room with a cup of caramel cappuccino that he made and honey glazed toasted bread. 

Gladly, the albino was still fast asleep on his bed. Glancing at the male's direction, he looked very peaceful.

He prayed to the heavens that the surgery would go well, he
didn't want anything that could cause harm to the pure angel.

Sighing to himself, he finished his morning snack and woke the albino up for his morning routine.


It was Early afternoon and the two males were laying down on a hammock, somewhere in the vast garden the albino owned.

Contently mafumafu laid on top on the blue haired male, listening to the constant beating of soraru's heart and somehow their legs got tangled with each other.

Afar you assume that they are a couple due to their position though they aren't.

"Soraru~ hug me!" The albino whined, tossing and turning on top of soraru who was taking a nap.

The blue haired male abided easily as he was too sleepy to argue, wrapping arms around the albino's waist as if assuring mafumafu's safety.

In the past month being with mafumafu, soraru got used to the albino's side who loves to skin ship, often he would hug the blue haired male unexpectedly or hold his hand.

For him to let the albino do that to him with out any consequences, he definitely loved him, he loved him very much and he knows it.


24 hours...

A day, soraru had only a day left with the albino and what's worse is he hadn't told him about it yet.

He needed a little more time, just at least until dinner. Then he will tell him, he will tell him of the way he felt for the red eyed albino and that he wouldn't be around anymore.

The day went just as usual aside from a zombie like blue haired male, curled up in a corner of his sleeping quartes while munching on some frozen sweet butter he got from the kitchen.

Sulking for a bit more, he got up and went back to the kitchen to prepare dinner while mafumafu was still soaking himself in the bathtub.

He made tonight's dinner a bit more special and unique than the usual, prepping the table.

He got to the bathroom to check if the albino was finished and he was right, there stood the white haired male, waiting for him with a white towel draped around his tiny waist.

After they got ready for dinner, mafumafu was seated beside soraru who was feeding him.

"How does it taste?" Asked the blue haired male, "Ish tashty" Replied the albino as he was chewing happily.

Soraru mood turned serious, "Mafu...I won't be here tomorrow" he spoke, the albino's mood darkened and asked, "Why?"

"It's because school is around the corner and you are going to get ready for your eye surgery" Soraru replied in a quiet tone while the albino just nodded.

The albino swallowed hard, "Will you come back?" he asked, "I don't know" The blue haired male replied.

"Oh... I see... I'm sleepy" Spoke mafumafu in a whisper and faking a yawn at the end, trying to cover the fact that he was about to cry due to the fact that his eyes were already watering.

Soraru placed the dishes in the sink to be washed later then gently held mafumafu's hand taking him to his room for a well deserved rest, then tucking him in mumbling a small good night before leaving a quick peck on the forehead one last time.

He gently closed the door and minutes later he could he soft sobs of the albino, it took him almost all of his will to resist rushing in there and comfort him, it was for what he thinks is best.



Ahhh one or two more chapteeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrz....

I'm dead....

I'm thinking of making a trilogy or a series (KashiTsuki, SoraMafu and UraSaka)...

I'm thinking of making a trilogy or a series (KashiTsuki, SoraMafu and UraSaka)

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Why does Amatsuki looks like he has dysmenorrhea?

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