Chapter 16

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The best way to describe how I feel. Absolutely numb. As I got out the car and my mother and friends embraced me I couldn't feel. I could barely breathe. It felt like I got the wind knocked out of my chest and for some reason, I couldn't  get the air back. 

"Mackenzie, are you alright? What's wrong, baby?" My mom asked, as she held my face in her hands. 

I cleared my throat and shook my head, "Nothing...just happy to be home. I'm really tired. Thank you guys for being here..I just need..I need time." I said before rushing past everyone to my room. 

I felt all the eyes on me as I rushed up the stairs, as soon as I shut the door behind me, the tears came rushing down my face. "I'm so sorry, Chance. I am so so sorry." I said softly. 

This hurt me way more than I had initially thought it would. As I closed my eyes I could see him as he took his last breath, as his last breath was taken from him.

My moves were automatic, I turned on the water in my bath tub and took a steaming hot bubble bath. I scrubbed at my skin and thoroughly washed my hair. Afterwards, I just put on my bra and panties and got into bed to sleep my pain away. 


"What's wrong with her?" My mom asked, "Kenny, what happened?" 

"Not now, Ny." My dad said, brushing past her. 

"My baby is traumatized! I have the right to know what went down! Tell me right God damn now!" She yelled, following him into the kitchen.

My dad's friend and I followed closely behind. I took a seat at the island as they all posted up against the kitchen walls. My dad poured himself a drink of whisky, his eyes cold and never leaving hers as he downed it quickly. 

The silence in the room was deafening and the tension was thick in the air as my mom waited impatiently for my dad to say something, but he didn't. He just turned his attention to my Uncle Landon and nodded, 

"Why don't you explain it." He suggested.

"Mackenzie made a little friend and I...I killed him in front of her." 

"You did what?!" My mom screamed as she ran to attack him. 

Fortunately for him, my dad grabbed her. Small as she was my mama could do some damage. 

"You fucking asshole! She's going to be traumatized." She screamed, and pushed my dad off. 

"Everyone get the fuck out of my house!" She yelled furiously, I hadn't seen my mom this mad in forever.  "NOW!" She hollered, and everyone quickly cleared out. 

As the last person shut the door, she turned to look at my dad, "This is what you do, Kenny..and I have to pick up the pieces of whats left of our family once youre done with your bullshit."

"Me? I made enemies with these people because of you! Don't you remember. Don't act like you're so innocent, Nyla,  you know I hate that bullshit." He yelled back.

"Fuck you." She spat before brushing past him and heading upstairs.

There Mackenzie goes again, starting fights in my household. Ruining our family, as she always does. A part of me was genuinely happy she was back, the other part of me wishes she never even returned. 

The rest of the night was silent and my house felt cold. I laid in my bed and heard the screams of my mother and father followed by banging from them probably fighting. It didn't worry me too much cause I knew my dad would never lay a hand on my mom, but my mom was a whole other person when she was angry and she was probably the one causing all the commotion. 

"You did this to us! Not me!" She screamed.

"So fucking leave, if you're so miserable, LEAVE! I ain't holdin' yo ass hostage." He hollered back. 

I slid in my headphones, and turned it up full blast as I closed my eyes. I imagined myself in a better world, a world without Mackenzie. 

The next day when I went to school everyone came up to me with their concerns about their beloved MC. 

"Hey, I heard your sister's home safely.." Trystan approached me.

"Yeah, she is." I rolled my eyes and I slammed my locker shut.

"Let her know that we all miss her, aight?" He continued.

"Bullshit. You knew what would happen to her ass and you let it happen, don't play like youre concerned now, you piece of shit." I barked at him, the rustling of people walking through the halls came to a slow as they all crowded around to see what was happening.

Trystan smirked, "You better watch your mouth, little girl." 

"I wasn't a little girl when you were begging to smash." I replied.

"ouuuu..." the crowd of students said in sync.

"Yeah, and yo gullible ass let me." He smiled, "Why dont you show em the tat of my name on ya ass cheek?" He smirked.

"He's lying." I said as tears filled up in my eyes.

"Am I?" He raised an eyebrow, "Prove it." 

"She doesn't have to prove anything!" Farrah stepped out of the crowd, "You really want to go to jail for fucking with an underage girl, Trystan; You can't get no pussy your age so you go take advantage of young girls, you're soo fucking cool." She rolled her eyes sarcastically, and pulled me through the circle of people. 

As we exited the school, I broke down into tears. 

"Thank you, I know yo didnt want to help me." U sobbed.

"I did. I wouldn't help you if I didn't want to." She said to me, sincerely as she laid a hand on my shoulder.

"Baby!" A familiar voice called from a distance.

I looked up and saw Gabriel running towards us, "What took you so long?" He asked as he kissed Farrah passionately. 

"Just ran into some trouble.."She shrugged, "Sorry about that."

"You two are dating now?" I asked as my voice cracked.

"Yeah," Farrah replied reluctantly, "He's just so sweet and you know we've been kicking it.. and.."

"No no, it's fine. I'm happy for the both of you." I said through my tears. 

I felt a pang of pain and betrayal in my heart, how could she? how could he? Do this to me...But I guess I kind of deserve it.

"Hey, you want a ride home?" She asked in attempt to break the ice.

"No..I'm just gonna walk..I need some fresh air anyways. You two go ahead. Thanks again, Farrah." I said before rushing down the stairs. I was walking so fast, I might as well have ran.  I hated Trystan, I hated them, but most importantly I hated me. 

M A C K E N Z  I E

The day felt like a blur to me, nothing filled my mind except memories of Chance. I was completely heartbroken to say the least. I feel slightly foolish for the simple fact that I didn't know him that long and of course, the circumstances we met in weren't exactly ideal but still the undeniable connection was there.

My mom and dad came in every once in a while trying to get me to eat, or drink something but, I was in no mood.This was a pain I knew i'd get over but I would still have to live with. I heard Maliyah come into the house like a storm, slamming every door in her wake; Usually, I would go see what's wrong, but I've lost all of my energy and concern. 

My door opened a crack and I felt the weight of my bed cave in a little. Big arms wrapped around my body and I felt a familiar warmth. 

"I'm not gonna say anything.. I'm not gonna ask what happened, I'm just gonna lay with you, and I hope that's alright." The smooth voice of Ky comforted my soul and forced tears from my eyes. He held my tighter and kissed my shoulder. I sobbed for hours and like he promised, he didn't say anything..just held me.

message from Tee:

(Sorry this update is far from the greatest but Im getting back into my groove, slowly but surely. I will have another update up this week. Thank you for your love and support, after reading all of your comments, messages on my wall and inbox, I felt very motivated..and it's all thanks to y'all so thank you and I hope you enjoy this short chapter)

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