4. overstimulation + exhibition :)

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This is a real chapter lmao

It's also got a bit of a humiliation kink in it as well ~(•-•)~

If you want, skip passed to long ass authors note lmao

I'm still alive kinda lmao
I started a Christmas special, but it's like, march now lmfao
It might be finished by this Christmas. Assuming the Corona virus doesnt get to me first teehee. But what better to do than write gay porn when you're quarantined, right?

Also, I love it so much when you people leave comments, I read all of them ♡
Favourite comment:
Who lives in a cum dungeon under the sea??
Made my day tbh, so thankie

Next chapter is gonna be like a threesome with Sam and Ethan and one of Ethan's dom friends, so leave name suggestions for the dom friend pleaseeee ❤

Still considering making a story that ain't just one shots abt Sam and Ethan (it'll still have some smut, but not just smut like this book)
But if you people would like that, tell me, and leave Title suggestions??

Also my ig is @/baby_basket_case if you're interested in following me there woot woot it's an nsfw acc tho

ALSO Ethan is a homicide detective, although he works as a stand-in bartender some nights at his bestfriend's bar. I thought I said that already but apparently not

Sam works as the manager of a small book store woot woot


  "You know you didn't have to do anything today, right? We could've just stayed home and watched the bachelor", Sam rolled his eyes.

  "Oh shut up. It's your birthday, and I'm gonna take you out for dinner like a good boyfriend", Ethan grinned, grabbing Sam's hand with his own, while his other hand was on the steering wheel.

  "Whatever, you know, we could be fucking right now, but instead you're spending our money", Sam held Ethan's hand in his lap, brushing his thumb over his knuckles, and over the back of his hand, a habit Sam had gotten into when he would hold Ethan's hands, to calm him down from a panic attack.

  "Well, first off, I'm fine with spending money on you, I'd spend all the money in the world, and then some, all on you my angel, second of all, who says you won't get fucked at the restaurant"

  For the rest of the car ride, they sat in a comfortable silence, holding hands, while Chase Atlantic droned on the radio quietly.

  Finally, they pulled into the parking lot of Rosie's, a small, local restaurant, but before Sam could open the car door, Ethan locked it.

  "You can't get out yet, I have to be a gentleman and open the door for you", Ethan laughed, rushing out of the car and speed walking around the front of it just to open the door for him.

  "You're such a loser", Sam took Ethan's hand and they walked into the restaurant, side by side.

  "Come on", Ethan began moving them to the bathroom, it was one of those bathrooms that had only one toilet with the door that locks.

  "Why aren't you getting a table?", Sam questioned, not understanding the situation, but still allowing Ethan to guide him to the bathroom.

  "Because angel, we've got to use the bathroom"

  It was obvious Ethan had some plan, whether it was good, or bad, Sam had no clue. But odds were, it would be a bit of both.

  Ethan locked the bathroom door behind him when they finally got in the bathroom.

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