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I dabbed the cut on Luke's lip with rubbing alcohol. The more he talked, the more I could see the cut. He winced slightly at the stinging sensation, shutting his eyes tightly. He was sitting on the counter with a cup of water in his right hand with an ice pack in the other.

"Would you now like to tell me what happened?" I spoke as I applied a small band aid to his lip, sticking it on properly to avoid it from slipping off.

"If I told you, you wouldn't believe me" Luke replied, rolling his eyes as he pressed the ice pack to his cheek.

"Well could you tell me who done that to you then?"

"It was no one... I just fell?"

"You don't seem sure about that so tell me the truth,"

"You don't need to worry about it, I fell over, okay? I fell on the sidewalk and bruised my cheek," he told me.

"Then you would have broken something like your cheekbone or grazed your palms or knees due to the impact of falling," I crooked an eyebrow at him.

"I slipped on grass and only my face hit the sidewalk?"

I let out a chuckle, "Luke, your lies are getting worse and worse. Seriously who done this to you?" I repeated myself.

"Like I said: if I tell you, you wont believe me," Luke muttered before sliding off the counter and placing his cup into the sink.

"Luke just tell me and I will believe you," I demanded as I closed the first aid kit. I walked over to the sink and washed my hands.

"Promise to not overreact?" He said as he stuck his pinky finger at me.

"What are you? Six years old? I teased with a laugh.

I watched Luke's face begin to warm up as he retracted his finger away from me, only causing me to grab back his hand and link his pinky with mine, "I'm only joking, now tell me!"

"It was your perfect angel, Robbie, " Luke muttered out.

"What do you mean Robbie did this to you?" I said, gesturing to his face.

Luke simply shrugged, keeping eye contact with me.

"I don't believe you. Robbie isn't like that. I mean why would he do that?!" I said as I crossed my arms.

"See I told you wouldn't believe me if I told you and now that I've told you what happened, you don't believe me... So much for keeping a promise,"

"But Robin doesn't seem to be that type of person..."

"If you dont believe me, go ask Ashton about it. He witnessed it all."

"And he didn't even help you?"

"To be honest, I wouldn't really care if he helped me or not. It's not his business anyways," Luke muttered before heading towards the front door.

"Wait, where you are going?" I asked as I grabbed onto his bicep, stopping him from walking away from me.

"I don't know, anywhere but here."

"Are you going back home?"


"Why not? I don't understand why you even came here in the first place, your house is literally just across the street."

"Because my mum would react badly if she saw that I had a bruise on my face. She's stressed out enough with work so why stress out more?" Luke told me, rubbing his neck.

That must be a nervous habit of his..

I let out a sigh before speaking, "Luke just stay here, okay? You can just sleep on the sofa. I'm sure my Mum wont mind you being here anyways."

He nodded slowly and I walked to the livingroom, Luke following behind.

"I'll get you a pillow and blanket... Do you need pjs?" I asked, examining at his tall frame so I could find him some PJs that would fit him.

"No it's fine, I usually sleep in my boxers, " Luke smirked as he began to strip down.

Ah there's the Luke I know.

I felt my cheeks begin to heat up and quickly ran out the room to get a pillow and blanket. I soon returned with the items and I placed it onto the sofa beside Luke who was watching TV.

"Um goodnight then," I spoke before walking upstairs to my room.

"Goodnight sweetcheeks!" I heard Luke call out to me.

I felt someone shuffle beside me and I let out a groan. "Shh sweetcheeks, go back to sleep," I heard a soft voice say.

I nodded, half asleep and turned onto my side. I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and I burrowed myself into the body who was holding me.

I feel so warm.

+edited 17.11.2016

friendzoned » cake au // on holdWhere stories live. Discover now