Chapter 3: Not all dreams are good ones.

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(If your squeamish, maybe avoid the dream! Its a little intense)


My eyes bulged. My sister was going to die... I could only watch as the lightning blade struck her stomach, frying her insides-out. No...I don't want to watch this...

"AHHH!" My chest grew empty as her scream pierced through the air. But he didn't falter, only thrusted his blade into her head, grinning madly as he pulled it out. Blood splattered everywhere. Her blood...

Dull sparkles surrounded her body, disappearing in a "poof". Her outfit as "Divine Protecter" disappeared. Gone.

Anger flooded through my veins as her Chara fled for safety. Coward.. I clutched her my fists together. A whirlwind of emotions swept through my head.

My legs trembled, as her body went limp before falling on the hard ground. My mind told me to run. Run away from everything. But she wound still be dead. My heart told me to go to her. I didn't want to face it..

But I still chased after the corpse, kneeling at her body.

She was dead. Instantly killed. No last words. No tears. Nothing.

My face was stained with horror. I don't believe it.. My sister is not dead. She's just sleeping.

"Stay with me!" I screamed, digging my head into her stomach. I knew it was no use. I knew she was dead and would stay that way. Forever...

"Please..." I begged. "A second chance! Bring my sister back! Anyone, save her! Please..."

She didn't want anything in this world.

All she wanted was the strength to protect me...

That was her one wish..

I love her. I love my big sister more then anything in the world.

She was the most important person in the world to me...

But she's gone..

Why her? Why not me? Why couldn't I have died instead of her?


I sat up, breathing hevaily, sweaty and crying. I decided to take a walk, who knew what was waiting for me just down the road...

Twila's messed up life! (shugo chara)Where stories live. Discover now