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"I'm not stepping foot into this house!" Stefani crossed her arms in front of her chest, the latex material of her glitter jacket squeaking at the movement.

Bobby turned around with a groan leaving his lips and his eyes rolled to the back of his head at her behavior. He loved her. He truly did, but the world didn't know Lady Gaga the way Bobby knew her. She wasn't always kind, funny and energetic.

He often had to bail her out of jail after another night at the club where she got into a fight, he had to hold her hair back when she woke up still drunk right before an interview in the morning and he had to confront her about her drug use one too many times. She definitely took the media term of what a popstar should be like to heart, Britney style. Minus the shaved head.

"Do you want to keep being Lady Gaga or do you want me and the entire team to finally drop your problematic ass? Is that the wake up call you need?" He challenged the pissed off woman in front of him.

Even though she wore thick black sunglasses he could sense that she was rolling her eyes at him right away. She was particularly good at giving him an attitude and he just had about enough of it. Yes, she was famous and couldn't leave the house without people recognizing her, but that didn't mean that she was superior and allowed to disrespect everyone around her all the time. Especially not the people who worked on keeping her reputation clean whenever she decided to try and fuck it up again.

She let out a set of curse words under her breath, rubbed her temples in frustration and then let out a heavy sigh. "Of course I don't want you to drop me, but you could've sent me anywhere! Why does it have to be this?" She pointed at the small rural house, the wooden sign above the door being the only giveaway that this wasn't a normal home but one for orphaned children. "You know I am not particularly good with children. In fact, they're mostly scared of me and I'm scared of them." She frowned upon hearing some kids laughing inside of the house. She really didn't like kids. At all. They were nosy, dirty and annoying. The birds chirping gave her a headache and the smell of freshly cut grass wasn't as appealing to her as it was to Bobby.

"You'll be fine. You're not wearing anything crazy so they won't be scared of you now." He pointed at her rather normal clothes. The only crazy thing she wore was the neon green latex jacket as a statement piece. The rest of her outfit consisted of short black shorts boots and a black shirt.

"Do I really have to go in there?" She whined like a child. Perhaps she'd get along with the toddlers just fine since she seemed to still be one herself.

Bobby chuckled and ignored her pleas before he knocked on the door to let the owner know they were there. Stefani immediately tensed when the door opened, revealing a small girl, barely passing her hips who looked up at her with wide eyes before a man who was much taller than Stefani took her place. "Valerie, I told you not to open the door without me!" He told the girl who nodded and ran back inside.

Stefani couldn't help but watch the scene in front of her in awe. Not only was the man in front of her a good two heads taller than her, but he was also incredibly handsome. His eyes were a piercing blue color, his hair on the longer side and his body toned. She could see his muscles flex, even through the dark blue shirt he wore.

"I'm Bobby, Gaga's manager." Bobby said, snapping Stefani out of her trance. She quickly cleared her throat and stuck her hand out to the stranger.

When Bradley took her hand in his he finally got a good look at her. She pushed her sunglasses up to rest on top of her head and smiled, showing off her green eyes and plump lips to him. She was definitely beautiful, he couldn't deny that.

Bradley didn't really know much about her, only what he'd read about her online and what Bobby had told him on the phone earlier that week and it was safe to say that he didn't think she'd last even half a day with them. The kids were a handful to someone who did work a full time job before and liked kids, but to her? They'd be the death of her. "I'm Bradley Cooper." He said, the sound of his deep voice sounding like music to Stefani.

"Stefani." She said, deciding to tell him her real name. Making this handsome man call her Gaga didn't feel right to her.

"Did you get the list of rules you have to follow in order to work here?" Bradley asked her after they let go of each other's hands.

She rose an eyebrow and shook her head. "What kind of rules? I am not too good with those." She crossed her arms in front of her chest and shot Bobby a questioning look. Of course she'd cause a scene before she even stepped foot into the house. Bradley had assumed she'd be spoiled and stuck up. A typical rich girl who snapped her fingers and had people running around for her all the time, so her attitude didn't surprise him.

Bobby chuckled and shrugged. "You'll have to follow them, Gaga. You'll do whatever Bradley says, otherwise you'll get kicked out immediately and we won't hesitate to drop you." He said, a smirk playing on his face at the glare she shot him. If looks could kill he'd be a dead man by now.

"I fucking hate you." She let out a groan, throwing her head back.

"That's one of the rules. No cursing." Bradley said, finally letting them in. "Especially not in front of the kids."

"Fuck your rules." Stefani challenged him.

Bobby rolled his eyes and then said his goodbyes. He couldn't watch this misery unfold and couldn't wait to leave.

"Listen here. These kids need someone to be their role model. They need to feel safe and loved because most of them have experienced some sort of trauma or abuse and they don't need a stuck up, rude brat to make their lives worse, so you better behave." Bobby growled at Stefani before he left.

She frowned at his words and then turned back around to find a little girl staring up at her with huge brown eyes. Her blonde hair was pushed back with some hello kitty hair clips and she looked to be about three years old. Stefani simply stared back at her, unsure of what to do and flinched when the toddler stuck her hands out to her, wanting to be picked up. "Yo, listen. This jacket was expensive as fuck and I don't need your sticky baby hands on it." She told the girl who just tilted her head to one side, not really understanding what Stefani was trying to tell her.

After another few seconds Stefani groaned and picked the little girl up into her arms. When she felt her small arms wrapped around her neck she smiled softly, but stopped immediately when she caught Bradley's curious eyes on her, a smirk on his face.

What? She mouthed at him with an annoyed look on her face and just earned an innocent shrug back from him.

Hi this is the first one. This will move rather quickly + will include lots of 'different moment' sort of parts where I'll divide one chapter into different little stories of them so if you're a fan of detailed stories this isn't the one for you. My attention span is very slim lol

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