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Surprise! I couldn't simply leave you hanging like that!

Did y'all really think I would be that cruel? 😜

I had the plot planned out before I even started writing this book and knew I wanted it to be two separate books from the start SO you can find the first chapter of the sequel on my profile now!

It's called "Cooper's Children's Home - New Beginnings" and I am very excited about being able to post the first chapter of it already.

Thank you so much for the endless love and support you've sent towards my way so far and I obviously hope you'll love the sequel to this book as much as you loved this one. I have exciting things planned for it! I love writing, especially during this quarantine. It truly helps me cope with things to be able to escape reality for a while so the fact that you also enjoy it, makes me happy!

Love you, stay safe and healthy and I hope to see you in the comments of my new book 😜 I read all of your comments by the way! They make me laugh so much! 😂

Cooper's Children's Home // BradGa Where stories live. Discover now