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"Bree, please stop playing with your food." Stefani said, putting the dry pasta back into her bowl.

Two weeks. She had two weeks left of working here. Then she'd go back to touring, giving interviews, crazy costumes, too much make up and live tv. Her face would be all over the internet and gossip magazines again.

She never thought she'd ever say it, but she'd really miss those kids and she'd really miss Bradley. They'd gotten very close over the last few days and even though they still had a few falling outs, they always laughed about it in the end. He seemed to finally appreciate her help and always taught her new things each day. The kids respected her and with the respect, her love for them grew. They weren't so bad after all.

Stefani looked up when Bradley walked back into the room, a tired toddler on his arm and an apologetic smile on his face. "He won't fall asleep, keeps asking for you." He shot her a questioning look.

"Is that so?" She asked in her cute baby voice and grabbed Lukas out of his arms to cradle him in her own. "How about I sing you a goodnight song today?" She asked, already walking up the stairs to put him down.

Bradley couldn't help but feel whole when he saw the way she behaved around the kids that felt like they were his own already, in his home. She'd definitely opened up to the idea of him and the kids overtime and he didn't know how much he'd wanted her to do that until she finally did. When he sat down at the table and continued feeding Bree her noodles he listened to the way her soft voice would sometimes make its way to the kitchen and even the other kids seemed to calm down from hearing it. She was a much better singer than he'd assumed from what he'd heard so far. Her discography was large and he truthfully didn't have the time to check it all out yet but the things he had listened to couldn't even compare to the way her voice sounded right now.

Bradley Cooper was falling for her and there was absolutely nothing he could do about it.

When she hopped down the stairs in her loose sweatpants, her tight tank top and her waves falling down her shoulders she looked like an angel to him. She smiled at him and shot him a thumbs up. "He's asleep! I put my first child to sleep and he didn't die!" She joked, making Bradley chuckle.

Anna held up her phone to show her something and the girls went off in a wild discussion about designer dresses and lipstick shades that matched shoes.
All Anna needed was a woman in the house and as soon as her and Stefani started to get along she did a full 180 turn and grew into one of the smartest and kindest girls Bradley had ever seen around. She started studying extra hard for school and only recently opened up to both of them about wanting to study music, so of course, Stefani decided to give her lessons. It was truly a sight to see, the way she'd pull out her workout gear, join Anna in the living room and they'd practice on dance moves and Anna's singing.

"She's so good for her age! I sounded terrible when I was that young and couldn't hold a tune when I simply walked." Stefani would tell him all day and praised her and that didn't go by Anna unnoticed. It was the little ounce of motivation that kept her going. All Anna had ever wanted was for someone else besides Bradley to believe in her and now someone did.


"Hold my bag." Stefani said, pushing some shirts into it.

"Don't you want to fold those?" Bradley chuckled.

"No, what's the point? I'll throw them into my drawers like that as well." She shrugged. Packing her bags already didn't feel right to her but she also couldn't stay here with them forever, right?

"You've got to be messier than all of these kids combined." He joked.

"Be glad that I'll leave in a few days then! You don't want to know how messy I can get when I live somewhere." She teased, taking the bag from him again to put it on the bed and close it.

Bradley sighed. It was now or never. "Maybe I do want to know." He said, making her halt her movements. She sucked her bottom lip into her mouth and smiled a little.

"What do you mean?" She asked, slowly turning towards him. He looked so good in her room at night, the lights dimmed so they wouldn't disturb the sleeping kids.

"I know we've had a rough start but the kids love you and I... well I don't want you to go yet either." He said, shrugging. "It's nice to have someone else around the house that doesn't spit at me." He joked, making her giggle as well.

Stefani pressed one of her palms on his chest, looking up at him with curious eyes. "I can't stay here though, can I? I mean, I'll go back to work and on tour, I'd never be around and I don't think it's fair to the kids or you." She sighed, reminding him of who she was again.

Bradley nodded, brushing some hair behind her ear. "I know. It's just that I wish you didn't have to go. Not now, that I'm-" he paused, rubbing his forehead.

Stefani grabbed the hand that was trying to cover his face and pushed it down. "You're what?" She asked.

"Not now, that I'm starting to like you." He admit, hoping it wouldn't ruin things between them. He shouldn't have said it, not in that moment.

Stefani simply took a deep breath and shook her head after a moment, as if to wake herself up again. "We can't, Bradley. I'm not saying that I don't like you too because I really do, but I'm leaving soon. I won't be around. I can't be the woman you and those kids need me to be and I wish I was, believe me. You're wonderful and I haven't felt this loved and safe in a long time, but I can't just drop everything now. I've worked so hard for my dream and imagine how disappointed Anna would be in me!" She said, the tears welling up in her eyes when she realized what this meant for them. She'd leave and they wouldn't see each other again. She could stop by in between interviews, studio days and a world tour but how long would she be able to stay? It would never be enough, not for her and definitely not for him and the kids.

"I know. I know, it won't work out, but don't push me away now, okay? We still have a few days left and I want to savor our time together." He let out a sigh.

She nodded and wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tightly. He inhaled her scent and pressed a kiss to her hair, closing his eyes for a moment. "I'll miss this." He mumbled.

"Me too, now shut up before I start crying. I'm wearing an expensive shirt because Lukas stopped throwing up on me." She joked, making the both of them laugh.

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