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"Give that back, you little bitch!" Stefani yelled, running after Anna, a black haired Russian 13 year old girl with a huge temper. Now that Bradley got to know Stefani she reminded him a lot of her.

Even though Stefani had already survived the first two days in her own personal hell, she still wasn't a big fan of most of the kids. They were nosy, sassy and seemingly tried their best at giving her a hard time there. She hated every second she had to be around them.

"Come and get it, old woman!" Anna yelled back, sticking her tongue out at her.

Stefani glared at the girl before she lunged forward, grabbing the shirt Anna had taken out of her suitcase without permission. Anna screamed and tugged on it, not letting go of the fabric that was tightly clamped in her smaller fists. "Let go! I swear to god if you rip this shirt, I'll cut your stupid, fucking head off!" Stefani angrily yelled at her.

When Bradley walked through the doors after having run some errands, he was met with screaming kids running around the house, toys everywhere on the floor and Stefani and Anna in the middle of the chaos, fighting over a black shirt. "Quiet!" He yelled out once, the kids all stopping immediately. Anna let go of the shirt with wide eyes, making Stefani fall back and onto the floor, accidentally pulling on the tablecloth, making the vase filled with water and the bowl of popcorn fall down with her.

"To your rooms! All of you!" He demanded, the kids all running upstairs immediately. He placed the bags full of groceries on the floor before he rushed towards a soaked Stefani. There was popcorn stuck to her and she looked up at him with a frown. He let out a small chuckle and stuck his hand out to her, pulling her up. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"No! Those kids are fucking mental! Do you see this?" She asked, holding up her shirt. "That Russian bitch just stole it out of my room and now it's all worn out!" She complained.

Bradley rolled his eyes at the drama queen and shrugged. "Just wash it and it'll be fine."

Her eyes widened. "Are you insane? This is custom Versace. You don't wash custom Versace!" She explained in horror.

Bradley rubbed his temples. As if the kids weren't a handful already, now he had a spoiled brat to look after as well. "I don't care about your custom Versace, Stefani." He paused, watching her pick popcorn out of her damp hair. "Look, I know these kids aren't the easiest to work with and that they can get on your nerves, but they will respect you if you show them respect as well." He explained. "Right now, they see you as a challenge because you give them tons of reasons to tease and hate you."

Stefani scoffed. "I don't see why they would respect you though. All you do is give them chores and yell at them." She rolled her eyes. "You remind me of my dad and I hate that guy."

Bradley smiled at her. "I don't give them any chores, they ask for them. And I don't yell at them. I have to raise my voice sometimes, yes, but I don't have to do it very often because they usually respect me." He paused. "Go and freshen up and then I'll show you some things you can help me with." He said.

"Yay, can't wait." Stefani sighed, walking up the stairs into the bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror and frowned. Her mascara was smudged, there was popcorn stuck in her hair and clothes and it was safe to say that her expensive clothes were ruined. She grabbed the brush out of the drawer and began brushing out some popcorn before she disregarded her clothes and stepped into the warm shower.


"Bree, do you want to help?" Bradley asked the toddler who beamed up at him, showing him the gap in her teeth where some were missing. She nodded her head and he chuckled, picking her up and placing her on the kitchen counter in front of him.

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