Chapter Two

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—Will I see you tomorrow? —You ask Draco sweetly. He smiles.

—Of course —he replies and kisses your hand...

—Draco? Are you listening to me, Draco? —Narcissa's voice brings Draco back to reality. He had gotten lost in his own thoughts.

—Of course I am, mother —he replies.

—So, what did I just say?

—You... uhm... you just...

—You have no idea, haven't you?

—Well... I...

—You have been so distracted since you returned home from your walking yesterday. You're not like that, Draco. What's wrong with you?

—Nothing, mother. Nothing —he looks away and smiles shyly, thinking of you.

Draco and Narcissa are walking through Knockturn Alley, heading to Borgin and Burkes, carefully not to be seen. A group of death eaters including Bellatrix Lestrange, the vicious werewolf Fernir Greyback and Lord Voldemort himself are waiting for them there. All of them are reunited around an old cabinet.

—Now that our honor guest has finally arrived, this meeting has officially started —a chilling hoarse voice says. It's Voldemort's voice, but no one can see him—. Do you see that old cabinet, Draco? Get closer to it and inspect it.

Narcissa kisses Draco's cheek and nods. Draco gets closer to the cabinet and looks at it up and down. It looks very familiar to him. He had already seen it before, when he was 12, when his father and him were in this antique shop to sell Mr. Borgin several dark objects, fearing that the Ministry of Magic would soon be investigating the Malfoy manor.

That day, Draco nearly opened the door, but Lucius beckoned him to leave before he could do it.

Draco brushes his hand through the cabinet door and a sound that seems like a roof tile shattering on the ground makes everybody turn around to look at the window. Greyback quickly closes the curtains just in case someone is spying them.

—Is your task clear, Draco? —Voldemort asks, coming out of the shadows.

—Yes, My Lord —Draco replies, avoiding making eye contact with him.

—Fine. Now I want you to focus on this old cabinet. This is not an ordinary cabinet, it's a vanishing cabinet. A pair of vanishing cabinets act as a passage between two places. If an object is placed in one, it will appear in the other. This cabinet has a twin hidden somewhere in Hogwarts, but it's terribly damaged. I want you to find it and repair it to allow a group of death eaters to enter Hogwarts without being detected. They will help you accomplish your mission: my plot to assassinate Albus Dumbledore.

—And where am I suppose to start looking for it?

—I'm afraid, Draco, that I can't help you with that, my fearful friend. It's up to you, and just you. And you'd better find it fast and repair it even faster, or else... —He points his wand straight to Draco's neck and pushes, making sure to hurt his Adam's apple. Draco winces in pain.

—I will... My Lord.

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