Chapter three: Ice cream date for 3?

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"Mommy!" Mason excitedly shouted running out the elevator up to her.

"Hi baby." Toni smiled hugging him back. "How was school?" Toni asked helping him remove his backpack.

"Great, I made two new friends today and it's only been my second day there." Mason smiled.

"What's that?" He pointed at the box on her table.

"It's for you." She said stepping aside allowing him to walk up to it.

He opened it up pulling out the shades.

"Awesome!" He grinned slipping them on, he folded his arms over his chest and made a cool pose making Toni laugh.

"How do I look?" He asked in a deep tone.

"So handsome." Toni smiled.

"Like a little james bond." Kenny said.

"Kenny! Thank you for the shades!" Mason ran up to him wrapping his arms around Kenny.

Toni frowned ready to pull him away but Kenny who hugged him back stopped her.

"I'm sorry about that." Toni said once Mason pulled back and looked up at Kenny, "it's all good." Kenny smiled before he looked down at Mason.

"Would you like to go out for some ice cream later?" Kenny asked him and Toni immediately frowned.

Mason nodded his head excitedly making Kenny chuckle at his excitement.

"You should ask your mommy first..." Kenny nodded his head towards Toni.

"Can we go eat some ice cream with Kenny? Please mommy?" Mason begged pressing his palms together.

"I don't know-"

"Please!" Kenny and Mason pleaded in unison.

Toni let out a breathe before she nodded her head.

"Fine." She caved. "But first you have to behave yourself, me and Kenny have a meeting to attend." Toni sternly said.

"Yes ma'am." Mason nodded.

Kenny smiled, being around kids always made him so happy. Even thought Jodie was gone, he knew he was in a much better place and that Jodie would want him to be strong and happy.


"No need. I can have one of my assistants watch him in my office. He could play games on my iPad."

"Yeah I wanna do that!" Mason nodded excitedly removing his shades.

"I don't know Kenny-"

"I insist." Kenny said.

She caved nodding her head making Mason grin.

"I'd like to have one butter peacan, one..."

Kenny looked down at Mason for his order suggestion.

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