Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

All I remembered was the flashing of two twin headlights, then just black. Nothing makes sense, I couldn’t put anything together. As I came to my senses I could tell I was in some sort of hospital bed. I could hear voices. Three… four... five... seven... eight? Eight people? Jeez. I wonder what’s going on… Why am I here? Who are these people? Where am I?

“Ana? Are you awake?” That voice sounds familiar… Why can’t I match it to a name or a face? I opened my eyes and saw a boy with black hair and piercing red eyes staring back at me. I knew him... but from where? As I look around the room I see 7 more people. A white haired boy and a blonde haired girl with pigtails quarreling in one corner, a blue haired boy claiming he was almighty and would surpass God, whatever that means, and a black haired woman trying to calm him down and telling him to “get off that table before you break your nose again and Kid would be enraged with your asymmetry.” Alright then…

There were also two other blonde girls, most likely sisters, wearing matching outfits and standing and talking to one another, the shorter one going on about giraffes.. But then… there was another boy… with black hair with 3 white stripes, and glowing yellow-orange eyes I could not stop looking at. He was watching me intently, which caused me to blush and look away. But who were all these people, and why were they crowded in a room with me?

“So. You’ve finally woken up,” said the white haired boy. With all the energy I had, which wasn’t a lot, I said softly,

“I’m sorry, but I don’t know who any of you are, or where I am.” The boy with the striped hair left the room as soon as I finished my sentence. It was quite abrupt, was he upset? The older sister of the two left, probably to go find him. The black haired girl cautiously approached the bed and sweetly stated, “Ana, I’m not sure what happened to you, but let me just re-introduce everyone and see if that will help you.”

First she motioned to the black haired red eyed boy next to me.

“That is Dylan, he is your weapon; a scythe. You two live together, and he is your best friend, practically your brother.” Then she pointed to the younger sister of the two still in the room. “That’s Patty. Her sister, Liz, was in here too, but went after Kid, who was the boy who left the room. Liz and Patty are Kid’s weapons, they’re twin pistols. I’ll let Kid tell you his connection to you, if he wants, when he gets back… I don’t want to say anything wrong…”

Then the boy with white hair stood up.

“Alright, Tsubaki, you’re taking too long. I’m Soul, and that’s Maka,” he said, pointing to the girl with pigtails he was arguing with earlier,

“She’s my meister. I’m a scythe like Dylan. And that self-loathing idiot over there is Black Star, and Tsubaki is his weapon. Now, what all do you remember?”

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