Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I looked into Soul’s eyes for a minute, and then closed my own. I couldn’t remember a thing… I told him just that.

“Where am I?” I asked. Soul laughed and said

“Wow you really are out of it. You’re at the Death Weapon Meister Academy, or DWMA. You’re a student here.” A student? So if I go to school here, they all must be my friends… I guess it makes sense. But what I don’t understand is why Dylan seems so familiar, and I feel like I somewhat know some of them but not on a personal level, but like I had heard about them before.

“How long have I known you guys? Like, how long have I been a student here?” I asked. Soul looked a bit unsure how to answer, but he carefully said,

“Well… you and Dylan transferred here about ten months ago, together, and no one knows exactly where you came from…” That didn’t sound too good… But then he smiled his signature toothy grin and laughed,

“Not to worry, we love you both all the same. Your past doesn’t really matter; all that matters now is that we get your memory back.”

I look over to Dylan, who is looking at me with an expression I can’t explain, almost like he knows what had happened or something… He seems a bit out of place among the others and he is my weapon so I’ll have to talk to him later, alone, and see what all he knows. Just then Liz and Kid return to the room, and Kid’s eyes are bloodshot and Liz just looks exhausted. Trying to get himself together, Kid clears his throat, and begins to speak; everyone watching him closely. “Heya Ana, I’m Death the Kid, but you can call me Kid. You and I had become quite close, and I’m looking forward to letting it happen again, if you’re up for it…” he trailed off at the end. I simply smiled and nodded. He smiled back, clearly pleased by my decision. He had a sad look in his eyes though…

Exactly how close was I to him? The others look somewhat confused, others relieved, others sad. I decided to ignore it; I didn’t have time to worry about other people’s issues with each other. I needed to figure out what happened to me and how I woke up in this strange place.

(Time skip)

Everyone walks out of my room to go home, except Dylan. I guess since I’m here and we apparently live together, he doesn’t want to go home alone.

“So are you finally going to explain what happened to me, or do you not know either?” I asked him. He looked at me and sighed.

“Well you see… The month before we transferred here, you were in a coma from the time you were 6 to the time you were 12… I’m not exactly sure what happened, but you woke up, and they kept you hospitalized for a year. You and I grew up together as small children, so when you fell into the coma I didn’t understand what was going on and to this day I don’t even know what put you in it in the first place. My parents and your parents are friends, so throughout the years I would visit you many times each month and hear updates on your health, so although you weren’t conscious I’ve known you practically your whole life…

Anyways, when you woke up, I would visit you in the hospital every single day, I practically lived there. You and I got to know each other again, and a year later once you were mostly recovered we got sent here to live here, and go to this school. Lord Death, the headmaster, was nice enough to take us in and watch over us. We have been going to this school for about a year now, and just a few weeks ago there was an accident… You got into a fight with someone, it wasn’t me but I can’t say who, and you got upset and ran out of the apartment and into the road… and you got hit…” at this point he is tearing up and beginning to cry, meanwhile  I’m trying to process everything I’m hearing… But then he continues.

“That car was going way too fast and it was raining to the driver didn’t see you… You got hit pretty badly and you’ve been in the DWMA infirmary for 2 weeks, every day we would all come in here and sit and wait for you to recover… I was worried that you were going to slip back into that coma… But you have no idea how happy I am that you are finally awake.” As I listened to him talking, his facial expressions, his mannerisms… Why is he so familiar?  

“Your… Your last name is Reid… Right? Oh please tell me I’m right!” He brightens up and smiles hugely and laughs,

“Ana! You remembered! That is amazing! Your memory is already starting to come back; it’ll be back in no time! Just you watch.”

“Just you watch…”

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