Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

It seems my memory would return to me slowly, but it didn’t feel like I was remembering this Dylan. Almost like I know another version… That night he stayed with me in the infirmary, and I drifted asleep.

I was sitting in a bed draped with multi colored Christmas lights, and I was drawing. I’m not exactly the best, but I feel like it helps me calm down, it makes me feel happy, so it’s worth it. I had been working on this drawing for days, but you just couldn’t get the stripes in his hair right, you knew if he saw this he would freak at how asymmetrical you drew him, and you smiled thinking what that exchange would be like. I felt like even though I couldn’t get the rest of it perfect, you should at least do his hair right. You adored him, after all. I wanted to draw Soul too, but I couldn’t exactly remember what his hair looked like… Oh well. You could keep drawing Kid; he would just not leave your head. Although I had no idea where I was, I felt very content. I was also singing Resonance by T.M. Revolution to myself, and then everything went dark.

I woke up.

I look around me, and I am back in the infirmary with Dylan on a bed across the room from me. He hadn’t woken up yet, so I sat and thought to myself how weird of a dream that was… Why was I drawing Kid and having those thoughts? I don’t even know him! Ironically enough, Kid followed by Liz and Patty walked into the room, causing Dylan to stir. Kid walked over to me and put his hand across my forehead, feeling my temperature. He looks at me, smiles and says,

“Well you’re feeling a lot better this morning, how do you feel physically?” I slightly glare at him.

“Well maybe if you guys would let me get up then I could tell you.”

Dylan had just gotten up and left the room with a brief good morning, so its just Kid and I in the room. He smiles warmly and walks over to the accessible side of the bed and holds out his hand, helping me stand up. I almost topple over, but luckily he catches me.

“Looks like you’re still a bit disoriented,” he laughs. I just blush and sit down on the bed. Why can I not stand? I mean I’ve been awake for almost two days now… I slowly stand back up, steadying myself on Kid. I try to walk a few steps and succeed.  As soon as Dylan walks back into the room, I find myself falling again, but then I’m leaning on what feels like a metal pole. I look down, and see a scythe, blade down, with an emblem that looked like an eye on the bottom end. Then i saw the blade. It was a beautiful shade of blue with corresponding white, in a sort of zig zag pattern. It took me a minute to realize that this is Dylan’s weapon form… My weapon… I pick him up and swing the blade upwards, almost cutting Kid’s head off in the process.

“WOAH! Ana! Watch where you swing that thing!”

“This ‘thing’ has a name.” I hear a sarcastic voice say. I didn’t know Dylan could speak in weapon form. I zone out as those two bicker for a minute, thinking how much worse it would be if Black Star were in Kid’s place.

He was always much too dramatic for my liking.

This thought also triggered me into thinking of my dream last night. It was quite odd… I don’t even know Kid, there’s no way I can be having dreams about him like that… And what is that song I was singing? I don’t remember ever hearing that song, but even now I can recall the words… Tsunaida tamashii no hi ga, mune wo sasu nara… Its in Japanese too, but I don’t know Japanese! Man this is weird…

“Uhh… Ana? Earth to Ana?!” both of the boys were screaming. I snapped out of my long thought process and focused on them. I can already tell this is gonna be a long day.

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