Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

“You can both stop howling like monkeys and tell me what you want already!” They both quiet down, then after a moment Kid speaks.

“My father, Lord Death, wishes to see you in the Death Room.” Hold up. Death Room?! I thought I was a student here! I haven’t done anything wrong!

“I can see the look of panic on your face so let me reassure you. The Death Room is simply the room in which Lord Death resides and has his meetings. I promise no death will come to you while you are in there,” he chuckles. Well thats a relief.

As we walk to the Death Room, I look up and see that we are walking under guillotines. That only makes me walk faster; as if they were going to fall on me if I stood underneath one for too long. I open the two large doors at the end of the pathway and walk in. it's a smallish room (at least thats how it appears) with clouds floating around, and standing in the center in front of a large mirror was who I presumed to be Lord Death. He was quite tall, with a long black cloak and a childish looking mask. Well if he teaches a school full of children he doesn’t have much of a choice, does he?

“Hello hello hello! Hiya! Wazzup wazzup wazzup!?” was the first thing I heard him say. I was not expecting him to be so… enthusiastic…

“Uhh… Hi Lord Death, Kid told me you wanted to see me?”

“Ahh, yes. How are you doing? You look well. I have been told that you lost your memories. That is most unfortunate, but I’m sure you will get at least some of them back. Luckily you have all your friends to help you!”

“Yes… right… is that all you needed, sir?”

“Oh, no. I was just making sure you were okay first. I didn’t know if you would be up for going on a group mission anytime soon.”


“Yes, going off school grounds to hunt the Kishin. You do know what the Kishin are, don’t you?”

I stammered, “Uhh.. Oh! Yeah! Totally! Heh heh… No…”

“Its alright! The Kishin are people (meisters or weapons) who break the rules of the DWMA and eat human souls, and this causes them to become evil, and it is our job to defeat them. Then, the weapons get their souls, and once they collect 99 Kishin souls and 1 witch soul, they can become a death scythe; a weapon for me to use.” This all makes sense now.

“How many Kishin souls has Dylan eaten?” Kid answers my question instead of Shinigami-sama.

“ You and Dylan have the highest count so far, well since Maka and Soul screwed up and lost all of theirs. He is at 67, so you’re over halfway there.” Hmm. I must be pretty good at this whole Kishin hunting thing then.

“But to answer your question, yes I would love to go on a group mission. It would be me, Dylan, Black Star, Tsubaki, Kid, Liz, Patty, Maka, and Soul, right?”

“Yup yup yup! Kid will fill you in on the objective, but for now I have some things to attend to. Byee!” And with that we left the Death Room. Walking back down the pathway, Kid explained the mission to Dylan and I.

“So basically what we have to do is go to the outskirts of Death City. There are apparently over 10 Kishin souls residing there, and it is our job to take them out. Since you don’t have any memory of how to fight, we are heading to a field for you to work on your technique,” then he smirked and said, “And of course, Dylan can give you pointers on your fighting style; he clearly knows it better than you.” Then at that moment, I get the most random question in my head and I’m not even sure what it means, but before I can stop myself I ask,

“Hey Kid, what happened to Brew?”

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