What are nights made for?

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(inspired by "Nights that taste like you" by Erica Macri)

What are nights made for, you ask?

It's a secret. It stays between us

once I tell you. Got that?

Good. Now, handsome, listen up.

Nights are made

for your body on mine

and not a sound.

And nights are made

for feelings so fine

you let go of the ground

and fly away into dream-land

on a cloud, and we hold hands.

Or at least until you wake up.

What are nights made for, you ask?


Soft dancing.



tiny lightnings


from your eyes,

lightnings of mischief,

soft and quick

like lips on skin.

Nights are made for living.

Just like days are.

Poems to Melt Your Heart: Vol. IWhere stories live. Discover now