Ch 1. Sam

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Jean : 'Sup?

Sam turned his narrowed gaze towards the tall, lean man with a stunning shoulder line_ and then ,again, silently began to stare downhill at the vast green mountain chain, white clouds and the setting white-gold sun. Cool breeze was flaunting his copper dyed hair against his snowy forehead skin_ his aura was taking after his complexion_
White, smooth and tender.
Jean began to explain the kid to move in sign language.

Sam : *pfft* I could hear you just fine ugly.

Jean : Oh_ your mouth is way shittier than your looks shorty.

Sam : Heh? Fuckin son ova..... What the let me go jerk_ I can't breathe_ *coughing*

Jean : That's why you should have listened the first time you were talked to. (letting go of the kid's collar) Piss off now. Adults have essentials to tend to.

Jean heaved a big sigh. The cigarette was accompanying his lonely mouth but he had dropped his lighter somewhere.

Sam : *smirking from a distance*
Here_ pay me and you can have the adults have bla bla toy back. (shows off Jean's lighter)

Jean : When did you_ *sighs deeply* _ I don't have that kind of money kid. Do you want a lullaby or something as payment?

Sam (throwing of the lighter back, trembling) : Ughhh you ugly brute, i would rather die.

Jean (trying not to smile) : ouch_ that's cold. Whatever. Here i'll give you one of my babies. (offering a cig)

Sam : Ec_ auh_ what the hell man i ain't legal yet and _ you_ i have seen you somewhere.

Jean : Ov course you did kid. Do you have some brain dysfunction? I am the great esteemed researcher who guided your class to a new world today.

Sam : Oh_ that zero kelvin guy. I was thrown out of the class so_

Jean : You just slapped the poor guy during such an important...

Sam (interrupting) : You didn't see what that trash did_

Jean (cutting in) : For whatever the reason, you are too harsh. Not everyone is obligated to spoil you. Don't you listen to your mother kid. You need to behave. Oi you listening?

Sam stood dead silent and lost.
Jean realized he said something he shouldn't have.

Jean : I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. Here (drops his cigarette and squishes it underneath his black leather boot.) let's get back to the topic. What I had explained to them before was that if you keep reducing the temperature, the volume keeps decreasing. So at absolute zero, thing that exists should have zero volume_ mass won't be zero but the space they occupy becomes zero. And thus ghosts might exist even if we can't see them if their body temperature is low enough.

Sam (laughs out loud) : That's why your reputation is doubtful sire.
You had to come all the way to nowhere land in order to prove your physicistic credibility. It's just sad, i'm sorry (continues to laugh wiping tears from his eyes).

Jean : Heh your smile is bright. Anyway_ it's work, I do my work regardless what anybody has to say in the matter. Great people do their best always. It's not like they essentially need to every time, every fuckin time. It just grows on the them like a habit, being friends with their job. Heard of the legendary Jackie Chan kid. He considers his job his fun hobby. And so do I.

Sam : oh nice speech old man. Do you always talk this much or did you just get flustered earlier?

Jean : I'll leave it upto your imagination.

Sam : Gee Thanks. Heeh, I remember you now. If memory serves right, you're Doctor Jean Otus from XXO. So what's this new doomsday theory you proposed that earned you so much criticism.

Jean : For a kid you're surprisingly well informed. Although, you didn't have to rub it in meh.

Sam : It's going to rain. Spill it slow oldman.

Jean : The sky is clear as far as the eye I can see. Have you lost it kid?

Sam : I'll leave it upto your imagination. Jinx. So are you telling me or not?

Jean : You just jinxed me I can't now.

Sam : Damn you old geezer.You're such a child.

Jean : Watch it kid. You wanna die so bad. Be my guest.

Sam : Sorry. Okay so that black hole guy who took his own papers back, you were working on getting those papers accepted right.

Jean : Bingo. Stephen Hawking, remember the name kid. Some people are just too important. Anyway, he theorised if no-boundary proposition were correct, then when the universe stopped expanding and eventually collapsed, time would run backwards. If that's true, returning to the past is possible_ so my foundation for inventing a time machine is here.
Sam froze at his spot, his gaze stuck at the fidgeting researcher.

Jean : Now what kid you find it so funny you forgot to laugh?  Hmm?

Sam : Name is Sam. 23, girl, eats chocolate for breakfast. Now if we're done with the introductions, come with me. You'll like what you see, I assure you.

Jean : Oh that was fast. Thanks but I think I'll pass. I prefer older wome..  Huh? Huhhh, you're a gurrlll? Aukkhhh.

Sam : Why can't the perverts just get stomped on by elephants? That's not what I meant and yes, biologically speaking, I am a girl. Why are you overreacting, it's annoying.
(Rain is drizzling)
Oh now look what you've done. We're going to get wet. Why you gotta be such a slug_ tsk.

Jean (sighing) : Too much information to process at the same time. Take pity on my poor brain would ya? Very well then. Let's go unravel your big secret but find me something to eat first. I'm dying here.

Sam : I told you it was going to rain. So you're buying us food.

Jean : Who made it into a bet snob kid. Tisk. Whatever, let's go.

They vacated the scenery fast. Soon it began to rain cats and dogs and rabbits and dinosaurs. The enveloping darkness was getting deeper by the minute, the night was cold and quiet. The whisper of wind fondling the leaves was resonating with the ring of rain droplets embracing the soil. The thundering clouds caused the cowering little moon to go into hiding making the stillness gloomy.

(sorry Italy, we're no help. Please get better soon.)

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