At The Lair

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Then a few hours later, Donnie, Mikey, Ronnett and Volgo came out with the backup charger and they had defeated Savanti Romero and Dracula. “Nice work guys !” Leo said. “Raph !” Mikey and Donnie said and ran to where Leo was talking with Esmeralda in front of Raph and Leo pushed them back. “Just give him a minute.” Leo said and Raph still sat there in the same position and Leo explained what happened to Donnie, Mikey, Ronnett and Volgo. Volgo didn't really understand but Donnie did. “So is he ok now ?” Donnie asked and Leo said, “Kinda, but he's still nauseous. So I'd just give him some space.” Esmeralda and Volgo left in their carriage and the rest of them had to wait till Raph felt better. It was almost night when Raph stood up on his own. “You need help ?” Leo asked and Raph shook his head no and took off his trenchcoat and gave it to Leo. Donnie, Leo and Mikey exchanged looks and Raph said, “I'm...gonna…” Mikey, Donnie and Leo were prepared for Raph to throw up but he didn't. He sneezed. “You good now bro ?” Mikey asked and Raph gagged and Leo said, “Not quite.” Then Raph turned around and threw up three times separated by a minute each. After he hadn't gotten sick for a while, Leo, Donnie and Mikey went over to Raph and Donnie and Leo helped Raph up and Ronnett opened a portal to the lair and they went home. MS was in the dojo and April and Casey in the living room. April was pacing and Casey was playing video games. “You think they're ok ? They've been gone a while.” April said. “I'm sure they're fine. They're super cool ninjas ! Yeah wah ha !” Casey was jumping around kicking and punching the air. “I'm sure they'll be here real soon.” Casey said and the portal opened and they all landed in the water. “Guys !” April yelled and her and Casey ran to them. April helped Donnie, and Casey helped Mikey. “What happened to you guys yo ?” Casey asked and as soon as Leo came out of the water, he looked for Raph. Leo helped Raph out of the water and held him up. “I'd stand back from them if I were you.” Mikey said. Casey and April looked at Donnie and he nodded his head and the four of them took a huge step back and April asked, “From Leo or Raph ?” “Raph. But Leo's probably next.” Donnie said and Raph's stomach made weird noises and Raph put his one open hand on his stomach and leaned over a bit and Leo had to work twice as hard to hold Raph up. Leo went over slowly to the couch for Raph to sit down. “What, is he sick ?” Casey asked and watched them go over there. “Kind of.” Donnie said. “Well, he was bitten by Dracula, then before that he was sick. So then the two canceled each other out and he's not a vampire or sick. He might have Cycling Vomiting Syndrome, but I'm not sure.” Leo explained and walked over to them. Leo took off his coat and smelled it. “Gross, it smells like vomit.” Leo said. “Eww.” April said. Then Donnie and Mikey took off theirs and smelled them. “Mine smells like pizza.” Mikey said and Donnie said, “I'm not sure what that smell is.” “Where's MS ?” Leo asked. “He's in the dojo.” April said and Leo walked past them and they all held their noses. “Leo, you seriously stink.” Donnie said and Leo turned and said, “Yeah I know.” Leo walked into the dojo and right away MS said, “You stink !” “I know. MS, Raph is still throwing up but I think he's fine. I just wanted you to know just in case he throws up again.” Leo said and MS asked, “Again ? How many times has he emesis ?” “He's emesis about……..five times.” Leo said and counted in his head. MS sighed and Leo went into the other room and April and Donnie and Mikey forced Leo into the shower right away. April had to go in with Leo and help him by handing him stuff that smells fruity to get the emesis smell to go away. When Leo and April came out of Leo's room they were laughing and April’s clothes were a bit wet, along with her hair. Karai was in the room with Donnie, Casey, Mikey and Raph. “Karai ! What are you doing here ?” Leo asked still kinda laughing and they walked over in between Karai and Donnie. Karai smelled him and asked, “Why do you smell like kiwi mango ?” Karai laughed a bit and Donnie said, “It's better than what he did smell like.” “It's the only way we could get the other horrible smell to go away.” April laughed too. “What was the other smell ?” Karai asked. “It was emesis but, now it's kiwi mango.” Leo said and looked at April and they laughed. “You guys look weird without your masks...and any of your pads for that matter. It's like looking at you naked or something.” April said and Karai got jealous. “You saw him in the shower ?!” Karai asked. “Yeah, I don't have much to hide.” Leo said. “Why do you care ?” April asked and Leo noticed that she did care. “Yeah, What do you care ?” Leo asked. “I don't !” Karai said defensively. “Alright then.” Leo said and Karai said, “Anyway, I'm here because I'm checking in with MS.” Karai said and went to the dojo. “April saw you in the shower ?” Raph asked and sat back and put his hand on his stomach. “Yeah, what's the big deal you guys ?!” Leo asked getting annoyed. Then he started getting nauseous and he sat down on the couch. “It's not like Leo has any human parts, that show, to hide. Plus I've kinda already seen all of you guys. All you wear is pads and masks.” April said and Leo looked at Raph. “Maybe you should go lay down Raph.” Leo said and Raph nodded his head and Leo got up and Mikey said, “I can do it Leo.” Mikey could tell Leo wasn't feeling well by the look on his face. Mikey walked Raph to his room and came back and sat down. Leo fell asleep and Donnie and April talked while Mikey played video games.

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