Chapter 1

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Charlotte's POV:
"This isn't going to work either!" I rip off another outfit and walk towards the closet. As I look around, still I am unable to pick an outfit. I have finally been asked out by my long time crush and I am unable to pick out the right outfit! "What do you even wear to the fair?"
I reach into my closet and grab one of the last things hanging up. Everything else is thrown and tossed all around my bedroom floor. I grab my green army jacket, a pair of black leggings, a floral shirt and my black converse. I walk over to the mirror.
"Actually I really like this." I move around in my room looking at my outfit. I look at the time, 4 o'clock. "Crap! I gotta get going!"
I start to curl my hair. My auburn red hair goes down to the middle of my back. I pull my bangs back into a braid towards the back of my head. I take another look in the mirror and start my makeup. I apply a light brown eyeshadow to match my hazel eyes. And apply mascara, blush and a light pink lip gloss color to my lips. I take one final look in the mirror, smile at my reflection and head downstairs.

It's 6:02 and I hear my doorbell ring. I head to the door, grab my cross body purse and open the door.
When I open the door I am greeted by the boy I have come to fall in love with. A tall, black haired boy named Matthew Riley.
"Wow! You look beautiful," he says and I blush. "You ready to go?" I nod my head and walk out the door.

In the car we listen to his bands music and we talk. And I couldn't stop smiling thinking that this could be us forever. Going on dates. Smiling. Laughing and enjoying each other's company. I've known Matthew all my life, and I've had the biggest crush on him since elementary school. Matthew is a senior in high school and I am a junior. We've both dated people before, but I've never felt the way I feel now, with anyone else. And I hope he feels the same way.

When we arrive at the fair we do the traditional fair events. Riding rides. Playing games. Trying (but failing) to win the big teddy bear in the ball toss game. Everything is going perfect and I wouldn't want to change anything.
We are walking around and Matthew grabs my hand and turns me to face him.
"Charlotte. I can't even tell you how happy this date has made me. I have liked you for the longest time. I feared you didn't feel the same way. And never had the guts to ask you out." He blushes and chuckles and I stand in front of him trying not to let my mouth hang open. I'm speach less. "I probably sound like an idiot! I'm so sorry, I-" Matthew starts up again, but I stop him with my lips. We stand there kissing in the middle of the fair. His warm, soft lips make me melt and I don't want to leave this warm embrace.
"Charlotte!" He says as we break from the kiss.
"Matthew. I can't even tell you how amazing that made me feel hearing it from you! I have liked you since the 3rd grade! No you don sound like and idiot, I really really like you!"
"Charlotte I'm so happy!" He leans in and kisses me again and all of a sudden I'm being pulled by my feet down to the ground. I open my eyes to see a blue tornado has formed from the ground of the fair. I'm being pulled into the tornado and am only hanging on by my grip on the ground.
"Matthew!!!!!" I scream his name and he leans down and grabs my arms. "Help me!! What is happening? Don't let me fall!"
"Charlotte!! I promise I won't let go of you! It's ok! I'll save you!" He screams and grabs my arms tighter. I can feel myself being sucked to the bottom of the tornado.
"Matthew! I'm gonna fall down!" Shock arises over his face.
"No Charlotte! I'm not going to let you! He grips me tighter but I still feel myself getting closer and closer to the bottom of the tornado.
"I'm sorry Matthew. But you need to let me go. Your not going to be able to save me. Please just let me go. I'm sorry." He looks at me with shock and hurt.
"I'm so sorry Charlotte. I love you-"
I'm pulled to the center of the blue tornado. And it closes and I fall through. And all I remember is the feeling of our hands separating and the sound of Matthew saying I love you.

I wake up and look around. I'm in a room with black walls and red velvet curtains. In the front of a room is a woman sitting at a desk. Behind her is a sign that reads Welcome to the Sex Hotel.

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