Chapter 15

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Matthew's POV:

I stand up from the bed I am laying on. The last memory I have is jumping into the blue tornado. But I am alive! If I'm alive, then Charlotte might be. As I stand up, I observe my surroundings. I am in a small dark room. The walls are painted black and there are red curtains hanging around the room. I start to walk around the room when I hear a voice.

"Hi!" I jump in fright. I walk a few steps closer and see a woman standing behind a desk. She is fully naked and I instantly feel my penis rising. Behind her is a sign that reads, 'The Sex Hotel'.

"Hi?" I reply very hesitantly.

"Welcome to the Sex Hotel" she says to me. "What is your name?"


"Last name?"

"Riley?" as I am talking she is writing on a clip board. I start to examine her body, looking up and down her gorgeous figure and my boner continues to grow.

"Okay Matthew. I will explain everything to you." She says as she puts the clip board down and moves behind the desk, blocking my view of her body. "Like I said, this is the Sex Hotel. Here we teach you how to have proper sex through classes. Then once you've completed the classes, you will be free to have sex with whoever you want, whenever you want. But until then, you must go through some classes before." I can feel my mouth drop to the floor and my mind beginning to race with the information she just told me. Has Charlotte come through here and been used as an unpaid prostitute for the last few weeks?

"I need to know if there is someone here" I say without thinking.

"I can look them up after. For now, I need to ask you a few questions." She grabs her clipboard again and sits at the computer behind the desk.

"Question 1. Are you a virgin?" she asks.


"Question 2. Are you straight or gay?"


"Question 3. Have you ever been kissed?"


"Question 4. Have you ever had an STD?"


"Question 5. Have you ever masturbated before?" I give a quick laugh after she asks that question. Of coarse I've masturbated before. I'm a hormonal, horny teen guy.

"Yes" I reply.

The woman continues to write on the clipboard. Then she turns and starts to type on the computer. I stand at the desk waiting for her to finish typing but I'm getting too impatient.

"Please! I need to know if Charlotte is here" I beg her.

"Okay. I can look her up" the woman says as she continues to type. She flips through the papers on the clipboard. Types some more. And finally looks up at me. "What is her name?" she asks.

"Charlotte Taylor."

"That name sounds very familiar. But we can a lot of people a day, but I'll look her up in our system." She turns to the computer once more and types on the keyboard. I anxiously wait. Impatiently, I start shaking. The thought that I might be able to see her again is eating at me.

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