Chapter 2

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I arise from my position on the floor and am immediately back on the floor with dizziness and lose of balance. I finally regain my stableness and walk over to the front desk. A woman is sitting at the computer watching security videos. Behind her is a sign that reads "Welcome to the Sex Hotel" I hesitantly walk up to the desk and am surprised to find that the woman is completely naked, wearing nothing at all.
I am shocked and quickly look away to the side of the room.
"Oh honey! You better get used to nakedness. Here we don't wear anything!" The woman speaks. I still do not look at her. Instead I examine the room. The walls are painted all black with red velvet curtains hanging from the ceiling. There is a bar in the corner and a stripper pole across the room. And on the other side of the room is a blank wall with belts sticking out of it.
"I'm going to need you to go stand up against that wall" the woman says and points to the black, belted wall.

I slowly walk over and place my back against the wall. The woman gets up from her seat and walks over to me. I refuse to look at her but she continues to walk closer. "Honey, like I said, you're going have to get used to naked people so why not get used to it now." She speaks with a southern accent. She is staring at me waiting for me to look at her. I slowly moved eyes to look at the woman. She has medium length blonde hair and a very pretty face. She is very thin and tall. Taller than me and has very big breasts.
"Very good! Yay we're making progress. Ok anyways! My name is Sandra and I'm the receptionist for the Sex Hotel. So basically here we suck people down from that blue tornado and we make them have sex" Sandra says. "We currently have 543 people here in the sex hotel, 275 males and 268 females. You will be our 269 female to be registered. So basically I will get your information and then you'll be sent in. Once your in you must complete 25 training classes to prepare for your actual sex experience here in the hotel. Once your done with the classes, which take about a month, you will be left in the hotel to have sex with assigned males and females depending on the days. But they will explain more about that to you once your done with the classes. But for now, I need to ask you some questions." Sandra walks over to her desk and grabs a clipboard and a pen. And I have to force myself not to fall or pass out from the information I was just told about my future. Sandra walks back over to me with her clipboard.
"Ok! Question 1. What is your name?"
"Charlotte Rose Taylor" I say.
"Ok! Question 2. Are you a virgin?"
"Yes." I reply a short answer.
"Ok. Question 3. Are you on your period right now?"
"Question 4. Are you pregnant?"
"Ok! Question 5. Are you straight or gay?"
"Question 6. Have you ever been kissed?"
"Question 7. Do you shave your pubic hair?"
"No." I'm very shocked and uncomfortable by her questions. She looks down at my vagina and shakes her head.
"Question 8. Have you ever had an STD?"
"Question 9. Have you ever masterbated?"
"Ok last question!" Sandra says, "Have you ever given a blowjob, handjob, or any other type of oral sex?"
"No." I say. Relieved to finally have reached the last question.
"Ok! Now I need you to get naked." Sandra says. And I cannot help my jaw from dropping to the floor. I am not comfortable with her naked in from of me. There is no way in hell I'm getting naked in front of her.
"No I'm sorry but I can't do that." I quickly say.
"I'm sorry but you have to. Please don't make me have to do this the hard way." She says. But I don't move. Do she steps closer to me and forces one of my hands into the belt hanging in the wall. She straps my arms to the wall and tightens the belt to the tightest loop. And before I know it my wrists and ankles are strapped to the wall. "I'm sorry I didn't want to do it the hard way, but I have no choice." Sandra says.
She goes over to her desk and inputs my question answers into the computer. She finishes and walks back over to me. She starts to undress me and I can't help but cry and my body is unclothed and exposed in the Sex Hotel wi h my future as an unpaid prostitute soon to come.
"Honey don't cry! It's going to be great! You'll love it!" Sandra says. And before I know it, she has stripped me down to nothing but my panties and bra. "Now when I take off your bra, I have to examine your breath for any lumps that may be breast cancer. It's going to be weird but I have to do it." She warns me and she slowly unclasps my bra and removes it. My bra is tossed to the floor to join my other clothes.
My breasts hang for a second before Sandra grabs them. I've never been touch before and the feeling of her hands is so foreign to me, I try to move but she only grabs on tighter. She finishes examining my breasts, and inputs more information into the computer.
"Ok now Charlotte comes the worst part. I have to take your panties off. Now because you said you don't shave down there, I'm gonna have to do it. You cannot have a hairy vagina in the Sex Hotel. So I will shave it for you, then I'll apply this lotion that will prevent the hair from growing back." Sandra says and she grabs my panties. I take a slow breath as she drags my thong down my legs. I am now completely naked in front of her, but she seems unmoved as she grabs her hair removal tools and gets close to my vagina.
Sandra first grabs scissors and cuts of long clumps of hair. After she is finished the only hair remaining is short, very fine red pubic hair. She then grabs a razor and shaving cream. Sandra applies shaving cream to my vagina and I squirm at the feeling of being touched. Sandra starts to shave me. Every now and then, dipping the razor into a bowl of water and starting again. The feeling is awful, as I feel my innocence being shaved off of me. In hours I will be taken advantage of and used for sex. The thought of my future in the Sex Hotel makes me cry again. Sandra doesn't move. Doesn't stop. And doesn't tell me to stop like last time. She only continues to shave the pubic hair off my vagina as I lay crying against a black wall, strapped in with belts.
Before I know it Sandra is done and is applying the lotion to my vagina. Once she is finished I look down. It's smooth and clean, free of innocence. "Ok now, I'm going to give you a pill. This will prevent you from ever being able to have your period ever again. It stops it. No more blood!" Sandra says and hands me a pill and a glass of water. She unties my hands and ankles and I take my pill.
"Now your done!!!" Sandra says and walks over and hugs me. It's the weirdest feeling ever. Being naked and being hugged while naked, by someone who is naked. "Here is your room key. You do not share a room with anyone. Everything thing here is free. The grocery store is on the 750 floor, and you have a kitchen in your room. You will get more information tomorrow. But I suggest you go to your room, get used to your new surroundings and then go to the store. Get food. Come home, eat and get some sleep. Because tomorrow will be a huge day for you! There is a phone and a phone book in your room. Call me if you need anything or if you have any questions. Good luck Charlotte and Welcome to the Sex Hotel!" Sandra pushes a button on her desk and the door behind me opens up and white light streams out. I walk forward and I'm greeted by my new life in The Sex Hotel.

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