Chapter 6

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Charlotte's POV

I enter though the doors of my first training class. I sit down at a desk and look around the room. Including me there are 10 people in the class, 5 guy and 5 girls. Everyone is sitting at a desk and across the room are cots with a pillow and a mirror at each cot. I get a bad feeling when I see on the walls pictures of the vagina, the penis, boobs and butts. I knew this was a class about the body but I didn't think it would be this intense.
I look around at my "class mates." They all have the same terrified look on their face and just like me, no one knows what will happen.
I try not to look at their naked body but I am drawn to one guy. He is very tall, he looks about 18 years old, he has brown hair that is cut into a quiff, and he has these beautiful green eyes that sparkle in the light. His abs are finely chiseled, and his arm muscles are huge and make him look even more amazing. I look him up and down, and my eyes are drawn down to his dick. I hate to admit it but I enjoy the sight of it. His dick is very large and clean of hair. I begin to become wet in between my legs, and I cross them to prevent anymore.
All of a sudden a man walks in. He looks about 25 years old. He walks up to the desk at the front of he room. He too is naked. His "figure" hangs down below his 6 pack of abs and he stands at about 6 feet tall. He takes a piece of chalk and writes on the board "The Human Body"
"Hello class! My name is Joshua McAndrews, but you can call me Josh. I'll be your teacher today. You may have me later on as a teacher as well, but for now I'll be teaching you about the human body. Now this isn't your normal biology human body teachings. Obviously because this is the sex hotel we will learn about the sexual aspects of the human body. For females we will examine the vagina a the boobs. And for men we will learn about the penis and testicles. And then we will talk a little about the butt. But that's not a main focus." Josh says.
I blush and look at my hands. I don't want to learn about the female body and I certainly don't want to learn about the male body.
"So what we will do is I will pair you up. And then each pair will take a cot in the back of the room. We can start with females first since they have more parts. Which I don't think any guy will complain about!" Josh laughs and looks at the guys in the room. "Then we will break for the hour lunch. Come back and talk about the male body." Josh takes his hands and claps them together. "So to pair you up, let's have..." Josh picks up a sheet of paper on his desk and begins to read off names.
"For group 1 let's have, Patrick and Michelle. Group 2, Lisa and Richard. And then group 3, Charlotte and Keeyden."
I stand up and so does the very attractive guy that made me wet before. When Keeyden sees me a small smile forms on his face, which causes me to blush and smile. I look at the ground and walk over to the middle cot. I sit at the edge of the cot and Keeyden pulls up the chair beside the cot and sits at the end of the bed.
Josh finishes calling the last two groups and walks to the back of the room to stand by us.
"So I want you to talk with your partner. I'll give you 10 mins. Just talk with them about how they got here, or how they feel about being here! Anything! Getting to know them will just make this less awkward! So start talking!" Josh says and walks to his desk.
"So your name is Charlotte?" Keeyden asks me.
"Yup that's my name!" I say. And I can't help but be really shy and quiet.
"That's cool! Has anyone ever called you Charlie?" He asks again.
"Nope no one has ever called me that. I don't know why though." I laugh.
Keeyden joins me in laughing. "Well I think it suits you! That's your new name to me!" He says. And I blush at his amazing outgoing personality.
"So how did you get here?" I ask him.
"I was walking home from football practice and I got sucked down that tornado. What about you?"
"I was on a date and I was pulled down." I say and instantly regret saying that.
"Oh you were on a date?" He asks and looks down at his hands.
"Yeah." I blush, now feeling bad. "But I mean it's not like anythings going to become of it cause I'm here now!" I say. And his face instantly brightens. I smile knowing he's feeling the same way I am.
"Ok let's get started!" Josh says and pulls a chair up in the front of our cots. So in order to teach you im going to need a girl to teach with. All I'm gonna do is use that girl to teach the class. I show the female body by using your body. So which female is willing to volunteer their body for class?" Josh asks the class.
Hell no I'm not being touched by him. I've never even touched myself, I'm not letting some random guy touch me. Josh looks around at the girls in the room. The girls in the room are looking at each other to see who will volunteer. And the guys are staring at the girls naked bodies.
"You know what!" Josh says. "I'll just use you!" He points directly at me and moves his chair to the end of my cot. I can feel my heartbeat increasing. And I wouldn't be surprised if everyone else could hear it. "Your cot is in the middle so everyone circle around and we'll use you as our example. Lay back down on the pillow. Put our legs up and bend your knees." Josh says.
I slowly do what he tells me. And I feel like I'm about to pass out. My heart is beating so fast, and I feel very light headed.
"Let's get started." Josh says and reaches up to touch me.

Hey everyone! I hope your enjoying my story! I didn't realize how long this chapter was going to be so I had to split it into two parts. I have finally gotten to her first raining class! I hope you enjoy how the story is going! Make sure to like and comment so I know you guys are like the story.
Also! I just created a new story. It's called Developing from Negatives. It's not a story about sex. I made it more relatable. So if you are interested in that make sure to go check it out!
Thank you guys :)

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