Will We Fly

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One two three.

One two three.

Three beats

Two heartbeats

One wish

To fly

To fly is not to lift up your arms and jump into the sky

To fly is not to go on a plane and be in the air

To fly

To fly is to be one the back of a horse

Their canter rocking you

Flying you away

It is not a question of how will I fly

It's a question of when will I fly

When Will I feel her heartbeat beneath me?

When will I be rocked back and forth in her embrace

When will I be able to embrace the world from her back

So many when will I's?

But is there an answer


The answer does not come from when will I?

The answer comes from When will we?

When will our heartbeats touch?

When will we learn to fly?

When will the beats of her hooves beneath me reach us both?

Not everyone will fly

But I know

From the very depths of my soul

She will get me there

Her hoofbeats leading to my heartbeat

Not every path to one's heart is created my hands

Some are created from hooves

From the ones that make you feel like you can fly

The only question is...

Will we fly?

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