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"I said to her, 'are we doing this or not?' And she said, 'Gakupo, I want to take things slow with you,' So that's exactly what we're doing. Right, Baby?"

With Gakupo's arm around her waist and his slightly strange story, Luka fumbles to say, "Yeah, Babe," to him.

I frown, but then look to Miku. She's happier than usual. "Hey, what's up?" I say in a quiet voice.

She gazes at me with a smile and immediately whispers back, "Luka likes me back!"

When I turn to face the said pinkette in a surprised manner, I know she knows exactly why I'm looking at her. She looks to Miku, blushes profusely, then looks down to her feet.

"Aw, what's wrong, Luka? You okay?" Gakupo coos near her ear.

Luka carefully scoots over, closer to Miku, and weakly chuckles, "I'm fine, but I wanna spend time with my best friend too, y'know?"

Gakupo raises an eyebrow at her, but eventually chuckles and starts talking to Kaito, although they do seem a bit tense whenever they communicate. I can only wonder why.

For now, I can't help but eavesdrop on Miku and Luka's conversation.

"Hey, cutie." Of course Luka starts off with that.

"Last time I checked, I'm not a mirror." Ooh, smooth.

"I don't think I need a mirror to see how gorgeous you are,"

"Matter of fact, I think it's the other way around."

I can hear the smirks in their voices. I can't really pay attention... this feeling of missing something is drowning me.

"You, my dear, are so cute, you're literally going to kill me with your cuteness." Luka is good at this.

"Really? Hmm... nice to know."

"Ugh, I know I just told you I like you but I want to kiss you so badly right now..."

"Me too," Miku pauses, then pipes up, "Do you want to go to the bathroom?"

"And make out there? Oh I'd love that."

"You're so straight up, it's kinda scary sometimes,"

"I'd prefer the term 'gay-up',"

"Oh my god, shut up!" Miku chuckles.

Soon enough, they walk off to the girls' bathroom.

Should I be scared or happy right now? Maybe both.

I miss Gumi.

We don't have lunch together on these day rotations and it sucks, but she always walks me to my classroom, no matter how far it is from her own.

I wonder who she's thinking about right now - if she's even thinking about anyone - and if she is, I hope it's me.

Wait. No. No I don't hope it's me.

Either way, is Gumi this missing piece I'm searching for? No, she's not. There isn't a person I'm missing. It's... it's me that I'm missing.

"Hey, Rin?" I hear Kaito say.


I see him smirk, "Isn't that Gumi over there?"

"What?" I immediately look around, too excited that she's here. Soon enough, I see her. She's looking around the cafeteria too, like she's looking for me. Her visage wipes all the thoughts out of my mind.

Once our gazes meet, she practically jogs to my table. "Hey!"

My heartbeat picks up. I know why, but I don't know whether she feels it too or not. "Um... hi? What are you doing here?"

"I got a pass to the 'bathroom,' duh," She chuckles, displaying her smile. That smile...

Ugh! I need to stop thinking like that. "You're going to get in trouble someday." That's all I can manage to say in the midst of my face flushing.

"Maybe, but that's fine because it's for you," She laughs a little bit then looks around. "I gotta get going though, don't wanna take too long in the bathroom."

"You're so gross," I roll my eyes. "Bye, Gumi."

"See you at the bus lot?"

"Duh! Later, Gumi."

She smiles at me, bids me farewell, then walks off.

I watch the whole time while she leaves. Before she walks or the door, she waves at me and of course I wave back.

I fold my arms and stuff my her in the space between.

Her leaving brings the thoughts back into my mind. 


I couldn't meet her yesterday. My nerves got the best of me, and she wasn't in the right state of mind. It seems that she's already contemplating everything that I'm going to tell her. I promise, Rin, I'll come to you soon... 

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