Memories of Strife

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Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Rin, Len, it's time to play!" A warm voice calls.

The blonde girl is eager to run outside of her house. "Miku!"

The blond boy runs quickly after her. "Hey, Miku!"

The twins frowned. "Is Luka not here today?" They said in unison.

"Don't fret, she's here. Luka, come here!" The girl of teal's eyes shined with love when the pinkette walked down from the playground.

"Hi, guys! Ready to play tag?" Her cerulean orbs gleamed with playful mischievousness as she crouched down, ready to pounce.

"Yeah!" The twins said in unison, once more.

"Okay, you two get a three second head start!" The pinkette chuckled.

"Hey, what about me?" The teallette's eyebrows raised.

"I can't say the same for you, Dear!" And with that, pink locks of hair met teal ones after the former pounced on the latter.

The twins sprinted off in a heartbeat. The boy smiled just as the girl did.

"Hey, Rin?"

"Yes, Len?"

They both stopped running simultaneously.

"Am I real?"

The girl's smile faltered. "What do you mean?"

"I'm... not real, am I?"

The girl frowned. "Um... have Mum and Dad not told you yet?"

The boy shook his head, tears at his eyes.

"Len... don't tell anyone I'm telling you this."

"I won't tell."

"Mum and Dad hated my ways when I was younger. I acted boy-like, I had active interests in girls... only at times would my 'feminine' side come out. So, at five years old, they split my soul in half and transferred the other half to a doll." She started tearing up. "The doll was you."

The boy shook his head. "No. You're lying!"

"I'm not..."

"Yes, you are! Liar! You're all liars!" Then, the boy ran off.

"Len..." The girl broke into tears. "I'm sorry..."

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