CHAPTER 1: Melody

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Today has been one hell of a day. I've been very busy with my job and the diner I work in in our small town while taking care of my father in between.

Today happened to be my father's birthday and I am trying to put together a small little party to have a few of his close friends over and since I'm the only family he has left, it will be just of me and his friends.

Him and I have always been close. I am an only child and my mother left us when I was only two years old. When she divorced him, she gave him full custody but also took the majority of his money.

He owned his own construction company and didn't seem to care about her taking most of the money at the time because of how good his business was doing. Then he had an accident when I was five that left him for the most part, not able to stand, walk around or do anything really.  Then with there not being very good medical available, he has been living off disability checks as well plus what I get paid. In the end, he eventually had to sell his company and use that money he got from selling it, to cover his medical expenses.

He has tried everything in making sure that I had a roof over my head and that I was fed and clothed and to be honest for these last few years, things seemed to be getting better financially with him because his friend that he sold his company to years ago, has been generous enough to send us some money.

I have never met his friend and he hasn't talked about him much really - I had learned very young not to ask many questions.

In fact, a lot of things I have learned early on in life unfortunately helped make me who I am today, but not in a good way.

For instance, I wasn't always self-conscious or as timid like I am today. I used to be more confident in many things but most importantly, myself. But one day that changed. I then became the target for being bullied and had dated a couple of assholes in high school who treated me like shit all because I was 'extra' curvy and wasn't allowed to speak up or say anything. Even when I tried reporting things to the police, they did nothing about it.

I've always been the perfect victim of bullying and eventually, as some would become rebellious or be jerks back, I went the complete opposite way.

My mother had a reputation here as one does in a small town. I didn't ever want to be compared to her. So I have taken the route my father has and is calm, collected, reasonable and also, keeps to themself. It seems to be better that way, or at least that's what I have convinced myself.

Being a big girl anywhere, especially in a small town, isn't easy. Sure I'm not the only one but it's a lot more disgusting when your mother wasn't big and she was the town slut on top of being always known as the thinnest and prettiest girl in this town and the next.

I wish I was stronger. I wish I had more confidence but after a while of fighting and blocking all the punches people give you based on your looks especially, things can get tiring to the point where you also begin to think, maybe they're right.

Recently, for the past year or so though, things have gotten a lot worse. My father has been becoming more irritated over the smallest of things, seems more depressed though than anything else and for the first time, after taking care of him all this time, I feel helpless and tend to eat my emotions at times.

I'm not immobile to where I can't walk, but I'm not considered healthy neither and am just.......really curvy. I have meat on me, what can I say?!

Today however, is all about happy things and putting together a small birthday party for my father to hopefully cheer him up.

So after grabbing all the things I needed, including the cake from the bakery to the plates and cups, etc, I next then headed back home to begin putting everything together and ready.

Once I finished with the decorations and making the dinner, I set things out and after setting the last platter of food down onto the table, I heard the doorbell ring.

My father was in his bedroom finishing getting ready and seemed to be happy about this after I told him what was happening. So, so far so good.

I began letting people come in and all were of his friends that have always helped try and help him out to take care of me and whom I considered also as my family.

He came walking out after the last person showed up and everybody clapped, cheered and were happy to see him. They all walked up and shook his hand and or hugged him and the ladies gave him also a kiss on the cheek.

I noticed a couple hours into the party that my dad seemed to smile more than he has in a long time. Which of course made me happy. Now it was time to get the cake.

So I grabbed the cake from the fridge, I placed a few candles in it and right after lighting them up, I started walking out to where everyone was and when they saw me, my dad went ahead and took a seat at the table and we all began to sing 'Happy Birthday.'

As soon as I set it down, he looked up and me and smiled then had me lean in so he could give me a kiss on the cheek.

"Happy birthday dad." I smile at him and give him my hundredth hug of today.

He closed his eyes for a moment then opened them and blew out his candles.

Everyone cheered and clapped then before I was about to cut the cake, he took my hand struggled to stand but did, using both my arm and the table to talk to everyone.

"Everyone, I would like to say something." He begins.

"I hope it's not another long high school story!" One of his old buddies who went to high school with him and has been best friends with says.

"No." My dad laughs. "No, I wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you. Thank you all for always being there and helping me out, especially in raising my daughter. Thank you for coming, despite how I have been behaving lately. But most of all, I want to thank my daughter." He says before turning to look at me.

"Aw dad." I say while choking on some tears.

"I am so sorry for not being there for you as much. For not having a mother. For not giving you a better life and most importantly, I especially hope that one day you can forgive me." He says with tears in his eyes along with pain and guilt as well as regret?

What does he mean by that? He did the best he could.

I gave him a hug and kiss then told him I loved him and then we finished having a great birthday party.

Once everybody left and I started cleaning up, there was a knock at the door.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

I hope you all like this new story and although my chapters won't be as long as this one, you know I will be making up for it in the full versions when they are published into books. But wanted to kick start this story with somewhat enough information. Love you guys and this will be a very fun and bumpy ride. :);)

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