I'm sure he didn't mean to be a jerk but you know what? I really still think it was all uncalled for. He hadn't answered my few texts throughout the day after I tried getting back to him from seeing I missed him trying to get a hold of me last night and felt like we needed to talk but then I got a call from my father telling me he thought he would surprise me by flying in town and told me he had just landed and wanted me to come over to his hotel room to talk and catch up.
I was happy because I missed him so much and felt like more than ever right now, I needed to see him. So I got dressed then started making my way over to his hotel.
After telling the front desk my father's name, he gave me a room key after looking up the information and a little note he left stating my name and if I came to go ahead and send me up.
I take a couple of more looks down at my cell phone to see if I happened to miss a call from Rowan or something but nothing still.
So I took in a deep breath then let it out before the elevator doors opened up and I started making my way down the long hallway looking at all the doors for the number of his room and once I finally found it, I knocked and waited there a moment.
He didn't answer so I used the key and slid it in the slot and as soon as the light turned green, I started opening the door and I walked in quietly thinking that maybe he was taking a nap or something.
"Dad?" I started saying as I took several more steps into the room then stopped and dropped my purse and covered my mouth with my hands to keep me from crying out really loudly.
I couldn't believe what I was seeing. He's dead? I thought he had just gotten in? I could tell from the red stained spot of blood on the pillow over his face that that's how he was killed.
How could that have happened though without anybody hearing or even seeing anybody else come in here? The TV wasn't even on.
I hesitated a little bit in debating if rather or not I should go and make sure that it is him but the moment I looked on his hand, I noticed the small tattoo he had in between his thumb and index finger.
I started to feel my chest tighten, my heart drop to the bottom of my stomach and fell weak at the knees before falling to the ground, leaning up against the wall and crying really hard and loudly as it hit me at how real this was. I didn't get to say goodbye or anything. Who would do this?
I wish so badly that Rowan would fucking answer my messages because I need him right now. Then again, I'm not going to even deal with that right now since maybe he is still being an asshole and can't handle that bullshit right now.
I cry for a few more moments until I finally pull myself together enough to calm down a little and call the police to tell them what has happened.
After I contacted them and waited right there in the room, I messaged Rowan and then put my phone away. That away I don't have to worry about him getting upset with me for NOT contacting him.
I walked over to the side of his bed and knew that I wouldn't be able to touch him for evidence purposes but I had to be beside him. So I sat down on the bed next to him and continued crying as I clutched onto my purse and rested my head on it.
When the police finished talking to me, I saw the ambulance come and wheel his body into the back of the paramedics and then suddenly I heard the voice I desperately wanted and needed to hear despite what I had said earlier about us needing to talk. He still brought comfort for me.
I turned around and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close into his chest as I cried into his chest and wrapped my arms tightly around him as well.
"Shh, it's going to be okay baby." Rowan begins to tell me and places a kiss on the top of my head. "I'm so sorry for not being here earlier or returning your messages soon enough." He begins to apologize.
"I can't believe he's really gone. I mean, I had just talked to him not too long before I came here. He was trying to surprise me by coming to visit and then I found him dead." I sobbed out loud before he pulled me into his chest again.
Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

The Mafia King's CURVY Princess
ChickLit"Now you listen to me and you listen good! I don't give a shit in what you think about me because guess what? I could care less! You mean NOTHING to me! Never will! So let's just get this bullshit over with, pretend we love each other to put on a go...