CHAPTER 10: Rowan

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It made me feel more at ease when she started talking about her dress. She seemed happier a little bit more than she has since she got here.

I know for the past couple of days I have been so much on edge with everything because of this new client we just had a meeting with the other day and he's so demanding and disrespectful that I'm trying to figure out in how to get out of the deal with him.

I have tried to contact my father since the first night she came and haven't been able to get a hold of him. I wanted to ask his advice for in this scenario with this new client.

Then I smelled a delicious smell and found out that she was making it for my guys, I wanted some too.

Things seemed to be going good while we ate and I liked seeing her eat food but then, fucking Bolton man, I swear. I hate the way he makes her laugh. I should be making her laugh and I can't.

Luckily I have Anton to break the tension up and when he mentioned the tailor coming here earlier today to measure her for a dress she picked out for the wedding, I could sense how a little happy that made her and that made me more calm.

Maybe things weren't going to be as bad as I had thought.

Next I heard the front door open up and in walked somebody I hadn't seen in a very long time.....My cousin, Marlon.

Marlon was a few years older than me and we became like brothers. Sure he can be a sick at times but overall, he has always had my back and to see him now back here is exciting. Although at the same time is also not a good time.

"Hey cousin." He greets me as he tosses down his bag.

"Holy shit Marlon! What the hell ya doin' here?" I asked while we give each other a bro hug.

"I heard you were getting married. I didn't want to miss out on your big day." He says.

"My dad wasn't supposed to tell others." I tell him.

"Yeah well, I was in town and when I asked to see what he was doing, he mentioned you getting married." He states and looks over at Melody. "Is this her?" He asks.

"Yeah. This is Melody." I introduce them.

"It's nice to meet you." He greets her with his hand out.

"You as well." She half smiles while shaking his hand.

"So is there a bachelor/bachelorette party?" Marlon asks.

"No. Didn't my dad tell you this was a..." I started to remind him but he stopped me.

"Yeah but that's even more of a reason to have fun and go out. Besides, if for nothing else, then how about to celebrate me being here?" He states.

"I'm down." Anton says.

So we all agree to go out and headed off to get ready.

Few Hours Later

We ended up heading to this nightclub that I have done business with in the past who owes me huge and is one of those places is hard to get into but again, because of our history and my name practically, there's not a problem.

Once inside I wanted to make sure I kept an eye on Melody as she seemed to look a bit uncomfortable. She didn't seem to be the kind that would be into this sort of a thing but I know she's just playing along.

Throughout most of the time we were here, things were going better than I thought they would to be honest and it seemed like Melody had seemed to have loosened up some more.

The shitty part about that was that I wasn't part of that. Between her and Anton talking and laughing shit up, I was getting frustrated and a bit pissed off, mostly with myself for even caring really. But it was nothing several shots and drinks later couldn't fix.

I found myself eventually heading towards the bar to order another drink when this girl with a short dress came walking up and started to flirt with me.

I looked out the corner of my eye at Anton and saw him making her laugh some more and then she looked at me just at the same time this random girl asked me to dance in which I figured why the hell not?!

So I shot back the vodka I just ordered l, took the girl's hand and we ended up out on the dance floor dancing closely with each other while some of the time, I would notice Melody looking at us out the corner of my eye and it looked almost as if she was......hurt?

Yeah, doesn't feel good I bet. Sure this was all for show with us getting married and shit but to see how they are together makes me so frustrated.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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