CHAPTER 18: Rowan

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I couldn't blame her for feeling the way that she did and I had fought back tears of my own after she told me how she felt and that she wanted out. For the first time in my life, I felt my heart break in two. It was the worst pain I have ever felt and I have been both stabbed and shot a few times in my life.

I immediately had gone up to her to comfort her because I felt like shit in knowing all that she had just been through with Anton and with me not helping in the process with how I've been treating her lately. So I was going to make sure that she never felt that bad or hurt again.

After Anton had gotten a serious beating and then taken out like the piece of shit he is, he left town and my men along with some of my father's men made sure they kept dabs on him to make sure I always knew his whereabouts.

I felt like I needed to PROVE to her that I was serious in making this relationship work for real and am truly into her not to mention that I needed to make up for all the time I wasted on pushing her away this whole time. So for the next couple of weeks, I decided to surprise her with a REAL honeymoon at one of my homes I have in Tuscany, Italy that is right next to a vineyard that I have been using to work on my own winery one of these days.

While we were gone I left Marlon in charge as he had become my new right hand man and Bolton to assist him in things that I didn't need to be in person for. As well as explaining to my father the situation, in which he once again commented about how much he admired and how much he was proud of me in standing up for my wife and for how I handled things with Anton as well and that he was going to help me and my men out as much as needed, especially while her and I were gone for these next couple of weeks.

Throughout most of the flight, she luckily slept and I was happy because I know she was anxiously excited to know where we were going and as much as I wanted to tell her, I wanted to wait for her reaction to once she saw where we were at.

Luckily, she awoke when there was ten minutes left and she could get at least a good look at below and maybe even an idea in where we were.

"Wow. It's so beautiful." She says as she looks out the window.

"Do you know where we are yet?" I asked.

"Not yet." She smiles at me. "But I can't wait." She tells me excitedly.

After we land and start to head out towards a car I made sure picked us up at the airport to take us home, the moment we had gotten off the plane and after reading the signs, she put it all together and began to clap in happiness before throwing her arms around me as I did with her as well and gave me a kiss thanking me nonstop for a while before we headed outside where the driver was waiting.

Throughout the one hour car ride there, it was cute and sexy at the same time to see her smile and get more excited at how she was reacting to everything she was looking at out the car window.

"I can't believe we are here in Italy!" She exclaims once again.

"I'm glad you're excited baby." I chuckle a little to myself from how cute she sounds.

When we finally pull up into the driveway, we get out, I grab the bags, pay the driver a really good tip and then we head towards the door. After unlocking it and letting her go in first, I heard her gasp real big and loud.

"Oh my god." She says as she begins looking around.

"Do you like it?" I asked.

"I love it. I can't believe that you own all of this." She states.

"I don't." I smile. "WE both do." I wink at her after setting the bags down and closing the door behind me.

She begins blushing then I take her hand and start to show her around. Even I show her the kitchen and the pantry as well as the fridge and all that are stocked with foods I remembered her telling me she enjoyed a lot and little does she know I plan to surprise her with how good I can cook.

Towards the end of the house tour, I took her to one of the best parts of the house, the balcony that overlooked the back where across the way, you could see the vineyard along with the pool right below in the backyard and where you can see the perfect and most beautiful sunsets.

"This is amazing." She says.

I wrap both my arms around her waist as we continue standing out on the balcony with my chin resting on top of her shoulders and giving her a kiss on her neck.

"I'm glad you love it because to be honest, you're the first girl I have EVER brought here." I confess.

She turns around and looks at me surprised.

"I am? I find that hard to believe." She tells me.

"It's the truth. This is my home away from home and a place where I can think clearly and get away from the world. Not to mention, there are a few other things I have been working on here that I plan to show you while we're here." I mention.

"Oh, work?" She replies pouting a little and sounding disappointed a bit.

I lift her chin to look up at me and smile while looking into her eyes.

"Not necessarily work. It's more like one of my passions. My true and real dream." I smile again at her then lean in and begin to kiss her soft sweet lips again.

I am really glad that I did this. We both needed this and the best part really, is that nobody knows where this is at-not even my own father or Marlon knows about this place. She truly also is the ONLY girl I have ever brought here.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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