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God, I feel like I have a major hangover. "Who the hell vervained me?" The same person that took Elena." I opened my eyes to see Stefan looking at me. I was on the couch in the Salvatore house not in my dress. "Damon changed you he knew you wouldn't want to be left in that dress." "Good to know he still cares." "Well considering you are the only girl other than Katherine Damon gave a damn about yeah I guess so" I just grinned at Stefan. "So who took Elena?" "We don't know yet Bonnie is doing a locator spell right now." I nodded my head and accepted the blood Stefan had out for me. "Why did Katherine say Elena was in danger and you knew why?" That bitch.

"There are a lot of stories you don't know about vampires Stefan no matter how old you are." Stefan was about to reply, but Damon interrupted. "Well Bonnie didn't get an accurate location, but we found her." "She didn't get an accurate location?" I asked. "I believe I just said that." Damon is such an ass. I got up and found Bonnie looking at a map with a blood trail on it. I closed my eyes chanted the spell in my mind. "What the hell." I saw the house and Elena on a dirty couch and a man that looks familiar. I got pulled out when I felt someone touch me. "Stefan I almost had the person." "Your nose is bleeding." I touched my nose and felt blood. Shit not again. "It's the Vervain affecting your magic again," Damon muttered from behind me. "It's nothing." I wiped the blood off my nose and started to get myself together." "So let's go get Elena." I made my way to the front door when a hand came stopped me.

"You're staying here." Damon was getting on my nerves just because my nose started bleeding didn't mean anything I was fine. "Look you guys don't know what you're getting yourselves into." "Well maybe if you told us what's going on we would." I was silent I couldn't bear to tell them about Klaus it would be opening up a wound that hasn't healed all the way I hated my past. "So until we get back I'm very sorry about this." I didn't have time to react before I was injected with Vervain again.

I woke up to hear voices above me. I looked around to see they put me in the basement. "Grr, Damon!!!" I knew everyone heard me. The door opened, and Stefan appeared. "I'm going to kill you both." "That may be, but we have questions for you." Stefan led me to the living room where I saw Elena and Damon sitting around. "What questions do you have before I kill you, Damon?" I said making a drink. I was in serious need of alcohol. "Funny you said the same to me years ago." I turned around to see a face I didn't want to see. "Rose what the hell are you doing here and where's your buddy, Trevor?" "Elijah killed him when we showed him, Elena." I dropped my glass and started hyperventilating. "Simone, what's wrong?" Elena was trying to comfort me, but I snapped out of it and slammed Rose into the wall. "You told Elijah about her!" "It doesn't matter Elijah is dead." I stopped choking Rose and turned to Damon. "What do you mean he's dead?" "Staked through the heart dead and now all we have is this Klaus situation." I turned to glare at Rose again to find her hiding behind Stefan. I started to chant a spell making her brain hurt. "Simone....Simone stop." Damon pushed me snapping me out of the spell. "Who is Klaus?"

Flashback: "Simone these are my children Elijah, Rebekah, and Niklaus." I waved at Rebekah and Elijah but when I looked at Niklaus something just came over me, and I waved with a blush on my face. The party was going good everyone was enjoying themselves except me. I was leaned up against a tree looking at my parents chat with their friends. "Why so glum?" I jumped and looked up to see Niklaus hanging upside down from the tree. "Christ Niklaus you scared me to death." He laughed to the point he fell out the tree. "You know you're very funny," I told Niklaus as I helped him up. "Well, I'm glad you find me that way father always thinks I need to be more serious." "Mm, he sounds like my mom." Niklaus turned to me and put a flower in my hair. "For you." "You know what I'm going to nickname you." "And what shall it be?" "Klaus"

"Someone you don't want here now where did you stake Elijah." I knew Damon didn't know how to stake an original if I can get to the location fast I can talk to Elijah.

Fate or Destiny *Klaus Mickaelson*Where stories live. Discover now