Chapter 9

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Chris's P.O.V.

I sit and look at my phone, looking at my contact names. Savannah, Mia, Mikey. Who are these people? I look through the conversations, trying to remember anything. A lot of them are asking if I'm okay, how I'm doing, things like that. I rub my temples in frustration. I can't remember anything. I can barely remember who Mikey is. I get an alert from my phone and I look at the message. It's from Mikey saying the he hopes I'm okay and that he misses me. He says he wishes he was here with me to help me get through this. Tears start welling up in my eyes and it gets a little blurry. I clear my eyes and smile. I cry and smile as I read the rest of the text message. I look at his contact picture and it's of me with brown hair and him with black hair. I can hear his dorky laugh in the back of my mind, his funny faces. I can remember him, but things are still blurry. I smile and hold my knees. I haven't been able to sleep, but this could help. I lay my head back and let go of my legs. I close my eyes, then everything disapears.

I wake up at seven in the morning and I just feel ready to bring my family back. Or who I believe my family is. I get ready by actually putting on some makeup that a very nice nurse provided for me. I smile at my mirrior and run my hand through my messy pink hair. I take the curling iron I have and ask a young nurse that I see if she could curl it.

"Sounds like you're making some head way." She says while she curls it.

"Yeah I guess so. I'm hoping I'll get to see the people who I guess my family and friends are." I smile.

"That's great! I heard it didn't go to well last time." She looks at the mirror and looks at me concerned.

"Yeah, I was just scared. But Mrs. Karen and I have been working on being brave. I'll talk to her about seeing them." We're both silent for the rest of the time of her curling my hair. She puts some hair spray in it when she is done and smiles.

"You look gorgeous. That Mikey is pretty lucky." She smiles. I stand up and hug her.

"Thank you, uhm,"

"Jess. My name is Jess."

"Thank you so much Jess. Have a good rest of the day." I smile and she walks out of my room. I look at myself and smile then walk out of my room and make my way to Mrs. Karen's room. I knock on her door and open it up.

"Hello Ms. Christina!" She smiles and hugs me.

"Hi Mrs. Karen." I smile and sit down in my special chair.

"What are you doing here so early? Not that I mind." She pours out some coffee and puts in my favorite creamer and hands it to me. She sits across from me and smiles.

"I was wondering if you could bring the people back today." I look at her and take a sip of my coffee. She looks at me, hesitating to say something.

"Christina are you sure you're ready?" She looks at me nervously and takes hold of my hand.

"Yes. I'm sure. I know I can do this." I squeeze her hand and smile.

"Alright. I believe in you Christina." She picks up her phone and dials a number.

"Yeah this is Karen. Could you call the Wolfe's family and friends, have them come down to see Christina? Alright, thanks Bill." She smiles and hangs up. "We're all set." I smile and stand up.

"Thank you so much Mrs. Karen. Could you be with me this time?" I look at her, hoping she says yes.

"I'll work something out." She smile and opens up the door for me. I walk out the door and smile. I'm ready for this.

I wait around in my room until they call me down to the greeting area. I put some hairspray in my hair and make my way through the halls to the greeting room. I take a deep breath and grab the door knob. I hear foot steps behind me and I turn to see Mrs. Karen. She smiles at me and nods. I open the door and step inside. I see all the people I saw before, even Michael came. I look at everyone and smile.

"Hi." I say quietly. I look at my Chuck Taylors and blush. The older woman who I assume is my mom stands up and walks over to me.

"Christina?" She looks at me, her red eyes and tear stained cheeks are full of hope. I nod and smile.

"Mom?" I ask. She nods and starts to cry. We both hug each other and I start to cry. The older man who I assume is my dad stands and walks over to hug us. We both stand there for a while, crying and hugging each other. They both pull away from each other and look at me. I smile and cry, not really knowing what to say. We walk over to the couches and I look at the two girls who are about my age. One of them runs over and hugs me. I'm quite a bit taller than her so her cries are buried into my shoulder but I hug her back.

"Chris I missed you so much!" Her cries are muffled by my shirt and I laugh. She breaks from the hug and I wipe her tears from her face.

"In case you don't remember, I'm Mia." She laughs and holds out her hand. I shake her hand laugh.

"I'll get it eventually." I laugh and smile. The other girl hovers over by Michael and whispers something to him. I knew she was dating him. I walk over to them and awkwardly stand in front of them. I'm about the same height as Michael and I'm towering over this girl.

"I'm Savannah." She smiles then hugs me. I hug her back and glance at Michael. He looks away from me and runs his hand through his hair.

"You must be Michael's girlfriend." I pull away from our hug and smile. Everyone in the room looks at me and I get nervous. My heart starts beating out of my chest.

"No. We're not dating." Michael says.

"Oh. Okay." I smile and look at him. He takes a step towards me and he hugs me. I hug him back, his warm embrace feels so familiar. He hugs me tightly, like he wont let anything come between us. He pulls away from me and smiles. Everyone sits down, so I sit down and look at Mrs. Karen.

"Hello. My name is Karen Jean. I'm Christina's therapist. Um what we will do now is if you want we have a room where you can talk to her personally but you don't have to. He have food, drinks and snacks. You all can just catch up with each other." She smiles and walks out of the room. Everyone looks at me. Michael stands up and stretches.

"Wanna talk?" He asks me smiling. I nod

"I'd love to." I stand up and walk over to the private room and he closes the door behind him. I lay down on one of the couches and he sits next to me.

"Hey." He smiles and holds out his hand. I take his hand and lean up.

"So you're not dating Savannah?" I ask him as I run my finger on his 'X' tattoo. He shakes his head.

"No. Technically," he clears his throat. "I was dating you before the crash. But we never really talked about it because I don't really talk about feelings." He blushes and smiles.

"Really?" I look at him and laugh. He nods and scans the empty room.

"Yeah." He sighs and looks around again, like something's on his mind.

"You okay?" I look at him cautiously.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. I just missed you a lot." He clears his throat. I see a tear roll down one of his cheeks and I rub it away. I climb on top of him and hug him.

"I'm okay." I say into his shirt.

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