Tenya x Mediocre!Reader

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Author POV

It was just another regular day at UA High, nothing interesting was happening, well Y/N thought that nothing interesting was happening to them and nothing ever interesting will happen to them until they met a certain person.

Reader POV
I was getting fed up with Monoma and his 1A complaining but other than that everything was normal and I was getting so bored in class until some boy with blue(?) hair and glasses came . Apparently he was sent by his teacher to announce to Class 1-B that the UA sports festival was going to be held in 2 weeks. For once something interesting was going to happen, I could even show off my quirk to get some good agencies to hire me!

~Time Skip~

Thankfully my quirk did me well and I was able to make it to the team challenge event. I didn't see my best friend BF/N (Best friend's name) they must've not made it to this part. I didn't see anybody else I knew if when the same boy with glasses came up to me.
"Y/N L/N is it?" he said.
"Um, yeah, do you need another person for your team uh,"
"Tenya, Tenya Iida, and yes we do need another person on our team, and that quirk of yours look helpful would you care to join us?" he asked.
"S-sure!" I said happily.

~Time skip to the 1v1 event~
(Btw you're in place for Yaomomo for this sorry Momo fans 😗)

I had to go up against someone named Tokoyami his dark shadow rivaled my attacks using my quirk, Q/N (Quirk's name) in the end I lost and the excitement in my body just immediately left and I went back to being my dull usual self. But then Iida approached me and praised me for my good work and that Tokoyami was a hard person to fight against, which really didn't have much of an affect on my emotions but it was nice to hear someone's support.

~Time Skip to the next day~

Tenya POV

After the sports festival I had an interest in Y/N, they seemed like a dull person at first but once you get to know her she was actually an interesting person to hang around with and talk to. Once classes were over I decided to go find Y/N and ask her if they'd like to eat lunch with me. Once I found them, they obliged and we started talking about hero courses and things happening at school.

Author POV
After a year of hanging out with Y/N, Tenya decided to confess to them at the beginning of their second year at UA.

Reader POV

I was given a letter to go outside to the courtyard and meet an anonymous someone, I thought it was a prank so I wore a monotonous expression and walked towards the courtyard only to see Tenya (He lets you call him Tenya now since you became a close friend) waiting there with a nervous expression on his face which surprised me because normally he had that 'don't break the rules or I'll break you face' so I decided to go see what he needed.

"Hey Tenya, do you need anything?" I asked.
"Well, uh Y/N,"
"Wow you talk as fast as you run," I said
He looked down with a defeated expression.
"But, sure I'd like to go out with you." I said trying to pull off a smile.
He looked up with glee and pushed his glasses back up and said he'd text me the whereabouts of the 'date'.
The end I hope you enjoyed the first chapter, I'll most likely make up to 50 chapters then stop the book so make sure you put send me your requests fast 😬

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