Tenya Iida x Depressed!Reader

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This was requested by @TheSilentPainter23 thanks for requesting <3! Requests are open and I basically accept anything, besides Angst.. I'm just bad at it but if you really want one then I'll try ;-;.
Reader POV
I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring in my ears. And boy I just wish it would shut up for once in its life. Today was going to be the first day of my third year at U.A. High! Everything is great and I can't wait to see my friends again especially Iida! I hope everyone stayed the same like the past two years... we all went through so much so it's going to be a somewhat surprise to see how they are now! As I headed off to school I was looking up and then suddenly ran into Uraraka, I smiled at her and was about to say hello, when she cut me off and said,
"Watch where you're going freak!"
I was startled by her words when I looked at her bag and noticed some very expensive accessories on it, I then noticed Bakugou behind her who was holding her hand. No wonder she's acting like this. I quickly got up and just tried to ignore the event that happened a few minutes ago. Once I walked into the classroom I noticed everyone looked the same which was great. I greeted everyone and they all seemed to be normal. I took my seat next to Iida and he greeted me quite formally. I chuckled at this. Bakugou and Uraraka walked into the classroom and started sucking each other's faces off. Everyone just stayed quiet until Iida spoke up,
"You should not be making such sexual interactions in the classroom or on school property in general!"
"Yeah whatever four eyes," Bakugou said.
The bell rang and our teacher came in to greet us all.
~Time Skip~
It was finally lunchtime, I decided to go sit with Iida and the others when suddenly Uraraka came.
"Hey you, loser, I need you to get the fuck off my seat, I'm sitting next to Yaomomo. So beat it fatass!" Uraraka yelled.
I was startled but her words kept eating at me, I then slowly picked up my lunch and decided to go eat outside without any disturbances. I looked down at my lunch then looked back at my arms, was I really fat? My doctor said I was a little under average weight, so what does she know? But then again the people in our class do seem lighter than me. And maybe Iida too thinks I'm overweight. I threw out my lunch and just decided to read from a textbook on the upcoming period.
~The Next Day~
"Hey ugly! What happened to your face? I thought it already was ugly enough but that nasty bruise makes it a million times worse!" Uraraka laughs.
I get up and walk away to my locker leaving a laughing Uraraka and Bakugou there along with the rest of the class feeling guilty for not doing anything. I hear Iida yelling at the two for disrespecting a fellow classmate and such. I look at the small mirror in my locker and look at the bruise on my face. It's not that bad right? Then again the others might see it hideous...

The past few weeks have been driving me insane! I kept on getting the rude remarks and the mental abuse from Uraraka and Bakugou. My classmates didn't do anything about it since they were scared of Bakugou, but Iida would always yell at them. The mental abuse started cutting into me like a super sharp knife to the point intrusive thoughts kept coming at me.

~Time Skip~
Iida was sitting next to me on the rooftop during lunch he noticed I wasn't eating and questioned me about it but I just shrugged it off. Suddenly Iida swiftly put an arm around my wrist which made me gasp.
"I knew it," Iida said.
"What are you talking about, it's just a few pounds I lost from this exercise plan," I lied.
"You don't even like our training Y/N, I know you've been starving yourself, I've been thinking you'd act like this because of the stuff Uraraka and Bakugou were saying about you," Iida replied.
"It's not too late, I've gathered some people in our class to act as witnesses, and your physical condition can be proof of the mental damage they've done to you, I'm planning on reporting this to Principal Nezu." Iida said.
I was shocked by this, then tears started to well up in my eyes as I was smiling. Iida engulfed me into a tight hug which I returned back. And we made our way back to the main building.
Thanks for reading! Sorry if this was super long! Anyways I was wondering what does being tagged mean @-@ my friend Katniss_55 tried explaining to me in call but my dumbass didn't understand her so yeahhhhh... anyways love you guys and vote on if this book should have 50 parts or 100 parts! :3

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