Tenya Iida x Hanahaki Diseased! Female!Reader 🍋

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This was requested by anonymous, thanks for dming me! This is a one-shot where the reader has Hanahaki for Iida but Iida likes her back the reader just doesn't know it. And later on Iida proves his love towards her if ya know what I mean ;)))). Enjoy horny children I cringed while writing this since my writing in general is cringe 👁👄👁.
Author POV
"Y/N you realize if you don't confess or forget about this boy your lungs will burst, which will cause death." Recovery Girl said worrisome.
"I-I'll be alright, I'll just wait a bit and see what he truly thinks of me or the other special girl he has feelings for..." Y/N said.
Recovery Girl just nodded and proceeded to give her several pain relieving medications. Y/N took them and thanked her. As she was walking down the hallway she noticed the boy who gave her butterflies in her stomach and thorny flowers growing in her lungs. That boy was Tenya Iida, who is apart of class 3A. Y/N took a quick glance at Iida while he was talking to Midoriya, but Iida took notice of this glance and walked towards Y/N with a smile.
"Hey,Y/N, I was wondering if you'd like to go to this café with me, it's called (insert café name)!" Iida boomed.
"O-Of course!" Y/N said shocked.
Iida smiled and told her the meetup time, before he could continue he noticed Y/N holding her throat and slightly gagging. He was about to ask if she was alright but she had already excused herself to the bathroom. Once Y/N rushed into the bathroom she started coughing up bloody rose petals, but this time it was only a single petal instead of ten with thorns. 'Could Iida love me back?' . She shook her head thinking it was just the medications Recovery Girl gave her.
Time Skip To Café Day
Iida was sitting down at a table when he noticed a H/C colored girl walk in he gestured for her to come over and she did. Iida noticed she looked somewhat depressed but other than that she was still smiling. He pushed his doubts aside and they started small talk which lead to a nice conversation on life. Y/N had never felt so soothed by a person's voice like his. Suddenly Iida spoke up, putting Y/N out of her thoughts.
"Y-Y/N I've known you since first year but during second year I started to take notice of my feelings towards you, I think of you as more than a friend, just like a...lover. It's alright if you don't feel the same towards me!" He spoke.
Y/N felt a wave of relief wash over her.
"I-Iida I love you too, in fact I had Hanahaki for you, I care about you so much!" Y/N said somewhat loud but not loud enough for other people to hear.
Iida was shocked by your words but he quickly payed for the meal and walked you outside engulfing you in a big hug. A few days after that you both were in a relationship in which you both were happy in, you both would cuddle and hold hands on your way to school. However three months later Iida started hanging around Yaoyorozu more than you which made you feel sad. Suddenly you felt a pain in your lungs, you hurriedly rushed to the bathroom and coughed up a few bloody rose petals. Your face was in dead shock. 'Does Iida like Yaoyorozu now? He already lost feelings for me?'. You kept on thinking negative thoughts on the situation, you couldn't take it anymore! You rushed out of the bathroom once your coughing fit was over with. As you were walking to Recovery Girl's office the bell rang signaling school was over. You walked out the school and noticed Iida waiting at the gate for you. He wore a smile while you wore a frown.
"Hey Y/N what's wrong?" Iida asked while walking.
"Oh well uh-" you started stuttering.
You inhaled then exhaled and got the courage to speak what's on your mind.
"It's just that I feel like you don't care for me anymore, and because of that I got Hanahaki again. It's pretty obvious you like Yaoyorozu so why don't you just break up with me and hook up with her!" You cried.
Iida was shocked by what you said then looked down at his shoes.
"Y/N the reason why I've been talking to Yaoyorozu more is because I wanted advice on how to treat you and what kinds of things you like since she's your best friend. If I knew this was how you felt the entire time earlier I would've not spoken to Yaoyorozu!" He exclaimed.
"That still doesn't prove to me that you care for me! For all I know you could be lying! You yelled.
As you said this you reached your house, Iida was still processing what you said but still followed you inside to your bedroom.
"Why are you following me? Just l-"
You were cut off by Iida's lips being pressed against yours. You melted into the kiss and before you knew it Iida was unbuttoning your uniform's top. You pulled away with a red face
"W-what are you doing???" You said blushing furiously.
"Showing you how much I care about you," he said while continuing to unbutton your top.
He slammed his lips back into yours and inserted his tongue into your mouth exploring every inch of it, this caused you to let out a low moan which caught Iida's attention making him unbutton your top even faster. Once you were topless you were left only in your bra which Iida undid while leaving butterfly kisses on your neck. You were continuously moaning until Iida started sucking on a sensitive spot on your neck causing you to let out a loud moan. Iida then moved down to your breasts and started groping them leaving you as a blushing, moaning mess. He started sucking on one breast while fondling with the other one. This was pure bliss for you. You then noticed him unbutton his own top which made you blush even more when you noticed his toned chest. Iida then started to push down your skirt leaving you in your panties which were soaked. You got embarrassed by that and Iida chuckled a bit while he undid his own pants leaving him completely naked. You started thinking of all of the things he would do to you, before you knew it your panties were gone and Iida had positioned himself over you, he then inserted his (I fr have no idea what to say at this point 👁👄👁) shaft into your hole which caused you yo wince in pain and tears started forming in your eyes but Iida kissed them away. A few moments later the pain turned into pure pleasure and you told him he could move and he did. He started thrusting faster with each thrust causing you to keep on moaning while rolling your eyes upwards. You felt a knot build up in your stomach.
"I-I'm c-cumming, a-ah~" you moaned out.
After a few more sloppy thrusts Iida also came while groaning.
"That was great," he said.
You nodded to that and felt a bit drowsy then closed your eyes and fell asleep. Iida looked down on your sleeping figure then smiled to himself. Iida dressed you up into some comfortable clothing then cleaned up the mess on your bed. He kissed your forehead and put his clothes on, then left a note on your nightstand to let you know that he left and that he loved you. A few hours after he left your parents came into the house and noticed you were still asleep. They just assumed you had a hard day at school.
Hope you enjoyed 👁👄👁 my writing is cringe so to the person who requested this I'm so sorry if this is not what you wanted anyways another one-shot is going to come by eventually. Enjoy your day/night. ❤️👄❤️

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