Tenya Iida x Chubby!Reader

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Requested by -shyshortie sorry if this was like 300 years late, I'm currently in the middle of a hiatus with a certain creator of Hunter x Hunter, and I'll make sure to do everyone else's requests! Other than that, enjoy!
Author POV
Y/N L/N was one of the very few people in U.A. who had a metabolism problem, therefore making them as others would say, "chubby" so it wasn't a surprise when classmates would be an annoying tease. There were very few people Y/N actually opened up to. And those people included of, Toru,Kendo, and Iida. It was a pretty normal day for Y/N, they tried training beyond their limit so they could at least lose a few pounds. But it didn't work as usual since their metabolism was so slow that if they ate a small meal they could already gain a pound and it'd take weeks or more to lose. Suddenly Iida opened the training room's door and saw Y/N looking dehydrated but not even touching the water beside them. Iida took notice and confronted Y/N about it by calmly but seriously saying,
"Y/N if you don't drink some fluids after going through intense training, you could end up in the hospital."
"Well that's where everyone wants me in." Y/N chuckled.
"Still this is a serious matter we can't have you be like this, it's very unhealthy," Iida exclaimed.
Y/N just looked away and dozed off for a moment thinking about what life would be like without having a chubby body. Maybe then Iida would actually like them back...
Suddenly, Y/N was snapped out of their thoughts when told that the training room was going to be closed and that they had to go back to the dormitory. As Y/N was walking to their room, one of the girls giggled,
"I thought a villain was coming, cause of the booming footsteps of a big fat person!"
The other girls with her snickered and continued to whisper. Y/N just shrugged it off for now since it was the usual everyday teasing, but during major mood swings all of the comments from the past got to them. Y/N decided to finish up homework given from today. However while starting on one of the questions involving the word 'loss' Y/N began to start spacing off thinking of getting a weight loss surgery and what having a normal body size would be like. After a few minutes there was a knock on the door. Y/N got up and opened the door to find Iida with a note in his hand and a somewhat stern look on his face.
"Is there something you need Iida?"
Y/N questioned.
Iida cleared his throat and then began to speak,
"Y/N earlier today, I-I was genuinely worried about you and your 'habits' so I was wondering if you could take better care of yourself for me, and the other two."
Y/N was shocked at what he said and then replied,
"Oh Iida of course I will, I just never thought of it until someone, you, brought it up..."
There was a moment of silence until
Y/N spoke up and said,
"What's with the note?"
Iida then realized the note that he was holding and quickly unfolded it and gave it to Y/N.
"I should be off now, I'll see you soon!" Iida said, and with that he left Y/N's room.
Y/N opened the note and read,

Want to meet me at Lunch Rush tomorrow?
Thanks for reading! I'll be sure to update at the most random times again! Anyways make sure to request chapters and check out my other book! :D

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