20 dress upprrttillyl

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Euns pOV

We were having another fundraiser for the school, even though we had one yesterday.  But this time it would involve some of the guys at the school to dress as girls, idk how it was a fundraiser.  Idk why but I was excited to see Jae hee when he would dress upprettily. I was about to knock on his dressing room dorrr but then I saw that some ugly bean heads took his clothes. I went to beat him up. You don't even want a description of what he lookined like when I was finished. I took the clothes to jae heee hees room and he put them on. I went back to my seat just in time to see him sing. His voice was very prepubescentbut it was soooooooooo hoit paired with his outfit, that it didn't bother me one bit of a bit at all nope.

Afterwards, Jae hee and I went to the soccer field to hang.  But then he tripped and fell into my arms.  We almost kissed.  Then lipgloss guy walked in and ran away sobbing.  I didn't feel bad.

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