Italia's crown.

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Alone, that's the Way it is huh. Stuck looking out the window all my life. This is the last time I look out this window, the last time I'm left alone to sit and watch as my people are slaughtered before my eyes. I'll find my other half, the sun, I'll find him. And then the other five of us. I'll do it.

Nobody's POV

His ears flicked as he grabbed the black bag, slinging it over his shoulder and taking off his crown. pushing his hair over his eyes as he threw down the handcrafted rope.

Near a hundred foot drop, if he failed this far in.... pathetic. Yet he still wouldn't have to watch his people in pain. He wrapped his hands around the soggy cloth rope, sliding out of the window, keeping his eyes on the shiftmen.

He had memorized the switching times so that he could escape, now was the time they switched. The two guards on the wall left, he set the alcohol soaked rope aflame, he had used flame magic rather than natural flame... My day had taught me that trick. That way it burned to ashes against the stone castle in a matter of seconds.

Switching to his furrier physique he dug under the large steel gate, used to isolate him for so long. He looked around, forest or town? Forest, definitely forest. He bolted as he saw the two guards return to their posts.

Italia's POV~
It's probably been hours sense I left.... the first time I've ever left the castle and now I travel farther than I'd ever imagined. The sound of animals, crunching leaves, and a nearby stream fill my ears with a world of sound. The air smells like fresh water, and the faint scent of lilac. I feel the leaves crushed under the weight of my paws and wind in my fur. Normally I would have traveled as a human, but I can't risk getting caught, not to mention the speed that comes with a smaller body.

I'm thirsty, I should really sniff out the water nearby. I sniff the air, water, squirrel, and the ever growing scent of lavender... Whatever, water is my priority right now. I sniff out a small brook, taking sips of the water, pouring out of a spring.

After that I begin heading southwest again. I listen to my footsteps, in case of unwanted followers.


I turn around seeing a child staring back at me. Oh goddess no. "Hey there puppy, ya got a name on that collar?" The little girl questions, pushing her long blonde hair from her face and behind her ears.

She's wearing a white little dress skirt down to her ankles with a slightly yellow-white top and a loose brown corset with a yellow sun emblem embroidered into the lace-up. she looks about eight, it pains me to see such happy, wonder-blind eyes.

"Come here, it's ok I'm harmless" she smiles. She's the source of that lavender smell. I walk closer, deciding it would be better to follow that kid. Well-knowing that emblem on her dress is sun kingdom.

"that's a good puppy!" She says petting my head as I sit down in front of her. I look at the child sadly, seeing how much now I miss being a child. If only I'd never understood why so often screams took over the distant chatter of the town, the the tragedies that befell those willing to face the threat at hand...

The child snaps me out of my thoughts with a sudden inquiry, "Oh wow! You're so pretty, why are you purple like that?" Staring at my tail, She grabs a hold of my collar, looking at the moon crystal. Almost mesmerized by it, she just stares, as if trying to understand what it meant. I doubted she'd understand, she couldn't be more than 7 with how small she was. She seemed a sweet kid...

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