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I haven't seen Caramina since the night of her party

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I haven't seen Caramina since the night of her party. I've been calling her non stop since everything happened but I haven't been able to talk to her. Mom and Dad have been stressed out and I think they even got into an argument over the whole situation last night. Dad and Uncle Sino even got into a really intense argument the other night too. Things have just been really bad since Caramina left. It all really started at Cara's birthday party, when Sino made her go stay with Spooky. 

I looked down at my phone and dialed Caramina's number again. 


"Cara!" "Angel!" "Oh my God Caramina, I've been trying to call you for days." She sighed, "I'm so sorry Angel, things have just been kind of crazy." I nodded and sat down on my bed. "I know. I'm really sorry with the way things went at your engagement party." "Yeah. But you know, I'm kind of glad things went bad." She stopped talking and got kind of quiet. "Angel can I tell you something?" "Of course, anything Cara." "Angel, I really do love Oscar."

My eyes opened up as a surprised expression went across my face. I wasn't expecting her to say that. "Oh, wow." "I know. Trust me, I didn't mean for this to happen. But it did." "Cara, he is a Santo though." She sighed, "I know, but I really love him Angel. I've never felt like this for any other guy. Like, I don't know. I would die for him." We both sat on the phone in silence after she said that. "Damn. What about Diego?" "I used to love him, I really did. But I don't anymore. Especially after finding out he was cheating on me with my ex best friend." 

"Hey Angel, I'm going to need you to go to a friend's house for a little while." Dad said after he briefly knocked on my door frame. I looked up at him and frowned slightly, "Why? What's wrong?" He smiled and shook his head, "It's nada mijo, just a meeting with the Diablos." I frowned, "So why wouldn't I attend? I'm a Diablo." He sighed, "This meeting is going to be a little intense and seeing as it concerns your sister I figured you might want to sit this one out."

I didn't know what to say. I was a little pissed that dad didn't want me at a meeting about my sister. Then I also didn't want to say much more since Caramina was literally on the phone with me. "Well, anyways, the meeting is in about an hour. So find somewhere to go por favor." I nodded to him and he walked back into the front of the house. "Cara?" "Angel, you have to find out what they say at that meeting. Please. I know we haven't talked in so long but you have to do this for me. If they plan to come at Oscar I need to know." 

I didn't know what to say. If I told Caramina what they talked about then I'd be betraying Dad, Sino and the other Diablos. If I didn't tell her, there was a possibility the guy she loved more than anything could get killed. I sighed and swallowed. "I got you hermana." "Thank you so much Angel, thank you. Te amo mano." "Te amo." I hung up the phone and exhaled a huge breath. Somehow I always found myself in the middle of really difficult situations. 

First I find those DNA papers in mom and dad's room last year and now this. No one and I mean no one knew that Tia,  Caramina's best friend, was actually our blood sister. If that information came out, I don't know how it would change things. I just know it would be a complete shit show. Things were fine last year so I didn't say anything. I never thought I would have to. I figured eventually mom and dad would. Especially with Caramina and Tia being best friends. But now, now that it came out that Diego had been cheating on Cara with Tia. 

Fuck. I called up Mario, Ruby's brother. "Hola compa." "Hey Mario? You still home on winter break?" "Yep. Why? What's up?" "I need to talk some shit out. Can I come over?" "Of course." "Okay, I'm on my way." I hung up the phone, grabbed my jacket and walked into the living room. Mom and Dad were sitting at the kitchen table talking quietly. I could tell whatever they were talking about though was serious. Mom kept pushing her hair back and Dad was tapping on the table. "Hey, I'm going to Mario and Ruby's." They both looked up at me. Dad nodded, "Okay, see you later." 

I left and closed the door behind me. I shook my head as I thought things over. No matter the outcome of everything I just want to make sure that Caramina is okay. Even if it meant her losing what she thinks means the most to her right now.


Tia is Caramina and Angel's sister!!!!!!?????

Is Angel going to tell Caramina???

What do you think the meeting with the Diablos is going to be about?

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