panic attack pt. 1 - five hargreeves

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panic attack pt. 1 - five hargreeves

𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 danssmartasshoe

Y/N HAD BEEN alone in the hargreeves mansion in the large study. Ever since five had returned from the future all he ever had time for was in his words 'trying to find a way to stop the apocolypse'.

Y/N sighed and shut her book setting it down on the small coffee table beside her. She laid back on the small chair in boredom, she blew raspberries with her lips watching a small peice of hair flying up and down.

Groaning in annoyance after a few minutes she stood up walking out of the study. The rest of the hargreeves siblings were scattered along the house.

She grabbed a small plastic cup and filled it halfway with water. Soon enough she trudged up the many flights of stairs to her art study.

Upon shutting the door to the huge art room five gifted her not to long back. Y/N tied her hair back and grabbed her art apron tying it around her waist.

The young girl then turned on some soft classical music. Humming to herself quietly she began to dip her paintbrush into water then the color of choice.

Smoothing out the paint maling sure not to add to much water so it wouldn't leak through the painting.

After a few hours of painting the background she huffed tiredly, wiping sweat off her forehead she grabbed the few brushes she needed to clean off.

Walking over to the small sink she turned the faucet over as water sputtered out, she put them under the water using her fingers to wipe them.

Turning off the faucet she grabbed a few papertowels and set the brushes on it to dry.
Her feet carried her over towards her unfinished easel she had been painting on, screwing on the caps to her bottles of paint she grabbed a small cover and placed it over the painting.

She wanted to hide her paiting from the rest of the siblings. Especially Klaus. Once he got ahold of the picture she was painting she definitely would neber hear the end of him and his cheesy teasing.

Closing the door to her art study, she skipped down to the bottom level to were the teens rooms all stood.

Soon enough, light giggling could be heard in the distance. Creeping towards Allison's cracked door Y/N stood in front of it her eye looking through the crack.

It was wrong to snoop but she was immediately disgusted of what she was seeing.

'oH weLl when me and five makeout iTs disgusting but atleast i'M nOt sucking face wiTh my 'NoN relAted bRotheR' Y/N thought to herself laughing silently.

Low and behold Allison and Luther couldn't keep their hands off one another. Y/N smirked deciding to have a little fun.

She backed up almost a foot to make sure it didn't seem it they knew she was watching them.

She fast walked down the hall "Aaaaallisonnnn!" Y/N shouted as she pushed open her door, the force causing the back of the door to knock on the wall.

Allison gasped as Luther looked up both teens jumping off of one another, blushing in embarrassment.

Y/N smirked chuckling to herself "wow you two are super gross". She spoke as Allison scoffed crossing her arms "what do you want Y/N?" Allison spoke bluntly

The young girl smiling shrugged her shoulders "nothing". The two teens were dissolved luther's neck covered with purple spots , his blazer thrown across the room with his tie messed up still around his neck.

Allison's hair was nappy, her small black flats were also somewhere in her room. The room reacked of sex.

"Can you get the hell out of my room please?" Allison spoke sternly as Y/N frowned and nodded "hold on a minute". She said ignoring Allison's eye roll.

Y/N rushed into her room landing onto her bed. Opening her dresser drawer she grabbed out a small roll of condoms, she kept in her drawer because well raging teens with frantic hormones. Am i right?

Walking back to Allison's room she threw the condoms at her, Allison jumping in surprise.
Grabbing the door handle Y/N giggled playfully.

"WrAp iT befOre yoU taP iT luther". She spoke over to the boy winking slightly, he laughed nervously giving her a thumbs up. Y/N slowly shut the door "oH" she then opened it again earning an irritating huff from allison.

"If you don't want your dad to see the hickeys" she spoke twirling her finger towards his neck "cover it up with concealer". Y/N spoke in a chirpy voice before leaving the two to their business, only before locking the bottom lock to allison's door.

Walking back into her room she set her sketch book and sketch pencils down on her bed. Grabbing a towel from her closet she exited the room as she walked down the hall and into the bathroom.

Closing the door and locking it, she turned the shower knob towards the warm side letting the water run for a few minutes, a ding arose from her phone as she grabbed it out of her pocket.

hey girl 😘 wyd?

gonna hop in the shower , you ?

coming over to help you
get ready !

c'mon you know i absolutely dispise parties. i'm not going.

please !! do it for me. why are you so scared anyways?

uhm , well for starters i know no one there, secondly, not to be overdramatic but rOOfies 1!1! and hm idk rapE 1!!!

yes your right, that's why we sre watching our drinks and going with Connor and Kiara so we are extra procautious. and well , thats why theirs responsible drinking and 911.

seriously ?? the last time we went to eli's 'rager' you got fucking drained and ended up sleeping with him. it was fucking embarrassing your pics were all over insta.

i know ;) i was the icon of all icons after that.

wow. after all that i thought you would be more resonable.

i'm sorry i just really want you to come with me i promise i will try and drink more responsibly please come :(((

fine but if you blow we're leaving.

yaya !!! i'll be over in a few.


The teenage girl sighed, her gut telling her it would end badly. Stripping out of her clothes she stepped into the shower preparing to get herself ready for the party.


hey hey hey ! i haven't really figured out what i wanna do for the next part of the image but i threw a little something together. i hope you enjoy it! don't forget to leave more requests!

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