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Ameer Troy.
11 years old.

                   "AMEER, I know this is confusing but I'm doing this because it's what's best." my mom said zipping up my coat and my brothers. "I'm gonna come back for you, okay?"

"But mommy why you leave us?" Ahmad asked beginning to cry.

"Don't cry, Mad. I promise I'll come back." she said walking around the car to the drivers side. "Knock on that door and someone will answer."  she got in the car and without even a second thought, she sped off, leaving my brother and I standing in front of an unknown house with garbage bags full of our clothes.

"C'mon Mad, and stop crying." I said grabbing his hand and dragging our clothes behind us as we approached the steps of the house.

I knocked on the door, shivering from the coldness outside. "Coming!"

Soon a lady opened the door, half naked, and her smile immediately dropped when she seen us. "Hi."

"Hi." I said, Ahmad was too busy still crying.

"Can I help you?" she asked, covering herself with a jacket that was hanging on a coat stand.

"Who is it, Michele?!" I heard a deep voice ask.

"My mama told me to knock on this door." I said.

"Okay, hold on." she said. "Come in." she opened the door wider, allowing us to walk into the house. "I'll be right back."

"Meer mommy don't want us no more?" Ahmad asked me and I shrugged.

"I don't know, Mad." Soon a middle aged man walking into the room, when we locked eyes he looked like he'd seen a ghost.

"How y'all get here?" I didn't say anything, who was he?

"Our mommy leave us." Ahmad cried making me look down at him.

"Who is y'all mama?" he asked.

"Malala." I spoke up finally.

"Well where her ass at?" I shrugged.

"She left us. Who is you?" I asked.

"Ya daddy."

"Ameer, baby." I snapped out of it looking down at some random girl who was sucking my dick.

"Aye get up." I said grabbing her head but she slid her mouth down further making my head fall back. "Fuck."

"Mm, nut daddy." she moaned as I pushed her head down further, nutting down her throat. She tried to raise her head but I kept it down, getting my nut off.

"You can see yourself out." I said pulling my pants up and buttoning them.

"You just gon kick me out like some hoe?" she asked fixing her clothes.

"Yep." I said walking throughout the hotel room. "I'm being nice."

I went to the door opening it seeing my manager Michelle there. "Why aren't you dressed? And who the fuck is she?"

I shrugged my shoulders, I really don't know who she is. "I'm hungry Michelle."

"Go fucking get dressed, your interview is in one damn hour." she said pushing me towards the bathroom. "Hoe get out."

"I ain't no hoe." she said as Michelle pulled her out the door.

"And don't say shit." Michelle said slamming the door in her face. "Why the fuck you got that girl in here and you messing with that girl."

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