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Jodecy Devry|Tootie.

         "I'M irritated

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         "I'M irritated." I mumbled looking at the side of Ameer's face. "Stupid bitch."

"What you looking at?" he asked looking over at me.

"Nothing." I said. "What's today Ameer?"

"November 12th." I stared at him as he stared back at me. "What?"

"Nothing bitch." I said rolling my eyes and getting up.

"Bro what's wrong with you?" he asked as I walked out his bedroom.

Nigga really forgot my birthday, stupid bitch.

"Don't say shit to me." I said, ain't nobody called me and told me happy birthday or nothing except for Pooter and my Papa.

"Why do you have a attitude, Jodecy? I don't understand." he said from his room as I stood in the kitchen eating on banana peppers.

"Stop talking to me!" I shouted back leaning over the counter. I looked at the time seeing it was going on 5 in the afternoon and nobody had called and told me happy birthday. "I'm so irritated." I said as my eyes watered.

"Yes Toot- what's wrong?" Pooter said.

"Nobody remembered my birthday." I said with tears coming from my eyes.

"It's okay, Toot. Stop crying." he said. "Ima come get you in a minute, okay? Get dressed we can go to dinner."

"Okay." I said sniffing hanging up.

"What are you crying for?" Ameer asked as I walked back in his room.

"Stop talking to me please." I said walking in the bathroom, I pulled my shirt off, looking at my six month pregnant stomach, with a slight pudge.

I didn't even look pregnant, just fat.

"Tootie." Ameer appeared in the doorway of the bathroom. "What's wrong?"

"You forgot my birthday, Ameer. My birthday is today." I said turning the shower on.

"Damn." he mumbled.

"Yeah, damn." I rolled my eyes wrapping my hair up, I'd just gotten it done. "Get out."

"Look, Toot, I'm sorry." he said.

"I don't really care anymore." I lied stepping into the shower.

"You wanna go to dinner?" he asked me as I grabbed my towel.

"No, my best friend is taking me to dinner. He's clearly the only person who gives a fuck about me." I said lathering my towel with my bar of soap.

"I gotta lot going on, Jode. I forgot, I'm sorry."

"I don't really care anymore, Ameer." I said hearing him sigh.

When I got out of the shower Ameer was gone and honestly I don't care, who forgets they girl friend birthday? Stupid, dumb bitch.

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