Great , Just Great

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Hey guys late update but I did my best for it for you guys and the rest all so I hope you like it and sorry I didn't do much updates but this is the best I can do for now so enjoy reading it😅😊

Ooh no god, she's here!! , what should I do!! , Im not good with this ahhh!!!! , No..Lapis this... This is just a girl just one girl a girl who is so cute and hot in a fcking same time nerdy but hot!! ahh!!😩 , Okay you can do this just say hey or hi or whatever just get her attention and that's it we are done... Okay I got this wish me luck me...

Okay...Peridot are we gonna talk to her or not, well she is pretty and a badass  just the way of type of girl I like but hmm do we? ,...nah I think not,  it's not worth my time she might be just like does other girls back in the city anyway...😒
When I reach my sit I den sit straight and look in front to listen my teacher and didn't bother to look at Lapis, time pass I was so focused on listening to my teacher Mrs. Rexen , that i got a soft top in my shoulder that make me jump a bit and make my loud eekk sound , i cover my mouth and stare at the person who did it and it was Lapis, her face was shock I don't know why by minute she was looking at me her face was turning dark red , she's blushing!! Why e she blushing I should be blushing she made me embarrassed in front of everyone here!!! 

Ahh Peridot is everything okay or is there something you want to share for us Ms.??

ahh... Nothing ma'am and no there isn't to share it was just aah... Nothing nothing at all

Hmm..okay please do pay attention now Ms.Diamond

I will Mrs.Rexen..

Good..okay class today I give you some assignments today , now before you start yelping your butts this is a partner assignment and there we'll be no picking your own partners this year , so your partner we'll be who is sitting beside you right now and this assignment is about knowing each other and working together about it as well , now your time here is over you can get to your next class now good day class and goodbye..

I pack up my things fast and run as fast as I can to get away from that girl , she maybe pretty and my type but what she did is something I well not forget about it and plus she's my partner as well wow just great just great , talk about sarcasm just wow... , as just i reached the door I felt another person hugging me from behind I was not expecting it so I did what I think I should do i wiggle my self out whale shouting loudly to it

Ahhh!!! Get off me ahh!! Put me down now!!

Hahahaha woah there sis it's just me you little beast

Japer?!! Get me down and why are you hugging me get me down now!!

Seriously shut it Peridot it's just a hug not you death what gives you so wild up shortly all of a sudden..., is it what happened because yes, it was funny for me and others maybe but what is it all about, you did say it was nothing right Japer..  -(YP)

Yeah so what about it Per? (Japer)

First shut it YP and second it's a big deal cuz that girl just embarrassed me in front of everyone in the freaking  class!! -( Peri )

Girl? What girl ?  , you mean the Girl sitting next to you?

Yes YP her! , I was so focused listening to Mrs.Rexen she give me a soft top to my shoulder and I jumped , you know how I can be jumpy sometimes and you know she can just write or wait for the class ends to do it but nooohohoo she just had to do it aahh!! , And now she's blushing even dow I should be the one be blushing not her awhh I don't understand this one it's getting in my nerves  she's getting in my nerves

Well well someone finally did pissed you off for reals in your first day hahaha seriously haha,.. and come on Peridot it's just a chick nothing to it and nothing special , nothing happened as well bad at it is.... well is just nothing right you did say nothing

She's right , if it's nothing den it's nothing

Yeah Yeah whatever clods

Shut it shortly , Now come on we better go now or we be late for class okay so what's next in the list Jas?

Well...let me see.. ahh well well is this someone's favorite class

Yeah? and what is it clod?

Be nice Short and it math time is your guys thing

Ohh nice..  now let's go you two I don't like to be late

Same here..

Hey wait up you guys , can believe you guys have small feet but do walk fast

Yeah we know so what's next of this math class

Well that well be chemistry your guys thing again and P.E my thing and lunch and some club thing I guess cuz we just have some short list here I guess where to smart to take the whole day hah! Nice..

What do you mean Japer , here let me see that ,hmm... Ohhw okay I guess that's something we have 3 hours half of a day off ,nice.. okay find the

Yeah!! I know right this is something not my old school can make me happy right now

Well I mas say not bad but we need to go now,  as much I want to celebrate it I don't want to be late for class -( YP )

I agree with you -(Peri)

Geez not this again , what's with you guys with perfect attendance, right on time , and  being too smart , can we at least just have this you guys do know we are not in the Empire City right we can just be us have some fun and relax too - (Jasper)

Easy for you to say your a free spirit on your own , but if auntie was her with us we are so died , for having fun -(Peri)

But e she her with us now , no right nothing to worry about others and teachers and no big no to Auntie  Yellow , plus dad works too hard now and so are we in that school, look this may be look not we wish or expected it but this is this nothing more nothing less so can you give me chance -(Jasper)

I wouldn't say does words If  I were you Jasper give some respect as well as you know she's the one who helps us even if she not here , we still need to show it to her what we can really do as one of the next hire of the company remember that, but... 🙁It is true we need a break we done enough to please her and I guess it's time we to please ourselves this time but still even we do get a bit of break , we still need to do what we were told to, got it -(YP)

Okay fine just so you know for me this is only for dad and mama , and us but mostly to our parents got it?? - (Peri)

Sure thing squirt -(Jasper)

Excuse me I'm not small and I'm totally just have a normal hight just like others Thank you very much -(Peri)

Yeah sure keep saying that anyway let's go class starts about 2-3mins I guess now come on - (Jasper)

By the time they went to their respective class , little do they know someone was also listening to them quietly just near the door of their room...

Heyyy guys I'm back sorry it took me a while to write a new chapter I got busy taking care with my nephew this past weeks and now also but don't worry I'll make more , promise , byee and see yah 😊

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