Not Good...

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As the three drove to the school with Jasper's car they den arrived in the school

Hey.... Is this the new hell were staying right now?? It looksss funnn ( being sarcasm)
Peridot asks

Hmmm... I guess but I like our old school better this place needs more cleaning process and really this kids are annoying , dad should just pick some nice place than this..eww... Yellow said

Shut it yellow , you know dad picks up a nice place you two just so new about it and boring to be with when it comes to this new places.. And please be as good as you guys can be because we might get some cute chicks here hehee... Jasper said

Ahh.. I don't think i see some any chicken in here Jas did see some YP... Peridot said being sarcastic

Ohh shut up Perinerd and please you know what I meant so be a smartassbrain and play a long gehsss.... Jasper said

Yeah yeah jock ass...(whisper) Peridot said

I don't know about you guys but this school better be good with there so called things and if they don't I'm out of here and go back to our old place, how's that sound ,are you in guys?? Yellow Pearl said

Hmm... (Japer,Peridot) , Yeah sure...

Good now let's get out of here and play this joint... Yellow Pearl said

You got me with joint yellow... Jasper said
they den walk out in the car and start walking to the main door of the school
Yeahh hell we come... Peridot said

Ahhh just shut up well yah.. Jasper and Yellow P said

Gehhsss guys.. Chill okay.. Now come on we need to get our things with the principal office and I'm guessing there's gonna be Lot of talking, I can feel it..

What you think were new
so they really gonna do the long talk to us and plus look at that I think I have some fans now , heyy Lady's ~~..
( Jasper wick's the girls and go crazy by the attention of Jasper given )

Yeahhh... ,I can tell Jasper.. but we need to go and find the principals office or well be late,of all three of us in the first day of this so called school.. And What's the name again?? YP ask

Its called hell school HomeWorld kinda thing ,Peridot said

Ahh whatever, were here anyway , come on let jet's , YP said

They den walk inside the principals office and was greeted by the assistant
And told to go Inside the office

Ahh welcome I'm Mrs. Universe or Rose for short nice to meet you three please sit down and what can I help you with??

Hi, Mrs.Universe were the new students from the Empire city, name's Peridot , this is Yellow Pearl and last Jasper, all three of us are the Diamond's

Ahh The Diamond's , ohh I been expecting you three and I see that you all look beautiful young ladies and as I like to talk more to you guys , I'm pretty sure your guys are in a hurry to tour the school so please wait for a minute I just need to find that paper you's ... Hmmmm its should be here somewhere..., ahh here it is sorry about that ,but here you go. ,Rose said whale giving their paper

Ahh if we may asked Mrs.Universe if I'm not being rude, why did you only give us two?? Is it so post to be three because well were three

Hahaa...second of all, you may be right Peridot but as you can see I only give you one as a sign that you three well have some same classes well except one , this one , two or three maybe, you may have to choose what you like, and it's already listed in that paper plus a map as well and your first question is no Peridot your not being Rude, now come on ladies you should go now you need some time to explore the school as you guys are new here I'll let you go this early, now go you kids have some fun

Thank you Mrs. Universe ,well be going now , Peridot,Yellow P , Jasper said

Your welcome ,Enjoy your day ladies And Welcome to the HWS/HomeWorld HighSchool

As that was done they den walk out the office and start walking and finding their room

Time past by because ima lazy...

English Room....

Lapis POV;

Ahhh.. Can this be more worse I can't believe school is back , my vacation was not enough plus I kinda want some Amethyst party time , this sucks.... I wish this lesson just end's

Okay guys that we are all here , I would like to introduced you with our new students from the Empire Academy , ahh ladies you may come in now..

Wow great new kids just niceeee , (note the sarcasm in there guys)

As the door open it then reveal the three girls , hmm not bad the other one who got in was tall and a muscle girl and with a bit tanned and light gray hair, she looks like a bully to me and no for a new friend list and the second one was tall but not as tall than the first girl , a bit of pale skin like you can tell that she's doesn't go out much she's a bit tin I can tell this girl is not nice at all with that face sending daggers to others and last but not list the..the..the...!!! she's.. She's sooooo cute o my stars , wow , I mas say she's such a cute~ with her green jasket , black shirt with a cute alien design in it and damn look at those ass wow nicee~~ and I know I shouldn't stare much but who cares that ass is bighotass , well she's hot , cute but soo hot but it's weird that she have a green glasses can you even see through that? hmm ehh who cares she looks good with does anyway, I was den cut out with my thoughts when Mrs.Rexen when she started talking to us

Well class this are your new classmates , introduced your self's..

..okay I'm first , hi everyone names Jasper Diamond from the Empire Academy

And I'm Yellow Pearl Diamond also from the Empire Academy

And last me I'm Peridot Diamond , also the from the Empire Academy as well...

Ohh so her name is Peridot what a beautiful name it suits her , hmm she kinda look smart maybe I should go have me tutor me sometime and maybe get to know her better ,

( if you guys didn't know , that yes she is gay as FCK and sorry I didn't tell you I was lazy )

As I was look at her , well more like seeing some Stars around her she den turn around and our eyes then luck to each other, I didn't know how minutes or second past but I was cut off as my name was call by Mrs.Rexen

Lapis you and Peridot well be sitting together as well with you Jasper sit next to Bismuth and Yellow Pearl your with Blue Pearl over their now come on take your sits..

Ohhh not Good , not good at all , but its nice but still not good what if I make her feel weird or creep her out I don't want her to did like me and plus we don't even know each other and she might not like me right away , as I look up I se e Peridot walking at me and guess what I saw ,a smirk a freaking cute smirk on her face was starring at me , I den feel hurt in my checks and that when I realizes I was blushing hard ahhh not god not good ahh she's almost here O God , Moon and Stars , please help meeee...


Soooo... You guys like it , if not it's fine and if you do ,🌌 Wow Thank🌌💟💟💟 sorry if it's only this chapter , well I'm helllla tired with more work and stuff ,I don't even what to continue to write this ahhh I'm so confuse and mom we're is she , any way see ya lovezzz

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