Chapter 2- A Celebrity Cafe

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I woke up early. After a couple of drinks with my younger sister last night, I checked my email and read the message from my superior commending me from the latest presentation I made for the Korean branch company. It went almost without a hitch if not with that bastard who clumsily asked an irrelevant question that almost threw me off-guard and pretended like it was nothing unusual. I immediately gulped my irritation directed towards the man and tried to calmly answer his question. 

I meet a different kind of personalities and worked with them as smoothly as I can, despite my hot-tempered personality but this is the first time that I could recall from my 29th year of existence, I mean I'm already 29 years old, please don't get me wrong, to meet such brazen personality. The bastard really rubbed me the wrong way. Just thinking about him irritates me to the fullest! To calm myself, I went for a jog outside the nearest park. I ran 10 laps and returned home. I grabbed 2 French toasts and coffee for breakfast.

"You're up early Unnie," Norae said. She just obviously wakens up.

"I'm always early you know. Come on get up. I went for a jog and bought French toasts and coffee. I'm too lazy to cook."

"Wow! Thank you Unnie!" like a kid who yapped happily. "What time will your meeting start?"

"Around 10 am. After my appointment, I will meet my friends from college. They urge me to meet me before I go back to the US. How bothersome."

"Why do you hesitate to meet them?"

"It's not of that sort. I just find it bothersome really. I'm pretty sure they will just grind me questions about my love life."

"Does it really bother you?" of course, she would innocently ask. My sister is already 24 years old but I sometimes wonder why she thinks so innocently. Or not...

"Ekkk!" I almost got chocked the food that I eat as I accidentally peeked a fading kiss mark on her chest.

"Are you okay Unnie?" Norae worriedly asked. Maybe she's not aware that the mark was a bit visible from me? Anyway, don't mind it.

"Y-yes I am. Don't worry. Anyway, I might be late later. Don't mind me and eat first. I will go back home at Guengjo* tomorrow."

"Okay. Message me if you need anything Unnie." she ate with gusto. Hul! My cute innocent sister seemed to brag her love life to me. Sniff. Sniff.


It was 5 minutes before 10 am when I entered the coffee shop where we decided to meet. To think that this elegantly huge building is just a coffee shop! I have been away in Korea for almost 5 years and this is my first time entering this kind of place. At first, you will think of it as an expensive restaurant. Once you enter, you will be amazed that the lobby is like a hotel. Is this really just a coffee shop? It reeks of expensiveness and glamour. Maybe this is a coffee shop for a celebrity?

I looked around as the guide from the information showed me the way. My eyes almost pooped out when I saw a well-known celebrity walked past me casually. Gong-Yoo! Oh, my goodness! So, this is a celebrated coffee shop indeed!

I calm my senses. The attendant stopped at the elevator and we both entered. He pushed the number 3 button.

"What's on the third floor?" I curiously asked. Since it seemed not an ordinary place, my curiosity got better of me.

"It's where private meetings usually held Ma'am. Here we are. Please enjoy your stay at our café. Should you ask for assistance, just ring the button, and we will immediately at your service." He bowed as he's backing away.

I entered the room which is spacious enough for 10 people. There are 2 big sofas facing each other and a table at the center. In one of the sofas, a man in a suit seated comfortably and elegantly. He has an air of authority and sophistication. I looked at his clean-shaven face. I wonder if he was once a model. Hmmm... can't deny that he is a very handsome man if only he does not open his mouth.

"Good day!" I greeted him as I walked and took a seat opposite to him. He looked at me and faintly smile. The smile suddenly irked me for some reason. I am not sure but this man seemed to look for trouble with me. "Now, what business do you have from me?" 

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