Sound of music.

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Ma playlist :

- Seventeen, from Heathers the musical.

- Cell, by Calpurnia

- Loved and Alive ( Robert cover live version), by Jim and the Povolos.

- Life on Mars, by David Bowie.

- Show stopping number, from The guy who didn't like Musicals.

- Shout, by tears for fears.

- Imagine, by John Lennon.

- Bellyache, by Billie eilish.

- Dreams, by cranberries.

- 1984, by Eurythmics.

- You belong with me, by Taylor Swift.

- All you wanna do, from Six the musical.

- No one remembers Achmed, From twisted.

- CaliforM.I.A, from Black Friday.

- Can't Help Falling in love with you, by Elvis.

- My heart will go on , by Céline Dion ( oui @Lifeisadream, je te vise )

C'est pas l'entièreté de ce que j'écoute, mais déjà, voilà. Et non je n'écoute pas Céline Dion, c'est une blague.

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