The Birthday Party Part II

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5 Days 6 Weeks

Stiles P.O.V.

I've had about 2 cups of beer so far, while I'm pretty sure the rest of the party had about 24. I've been looking for Lydia for the past 3 hours of the party, but I made sure on talking to Scott. I was tired of him treating Allison like that. I know he loves her, as much as she loves him, but he needed to show the soft side of him instead of the man side of him. I don't blame him on not wanting to get hurt after what his ex-girlfriend did to him, but he needs to know that Allison is not like that. That Allison is different. I just hope the advice I gave him an hour ago can get through his thick skull head. 

I squeezed through the crowd, and bumped into someone, their drink spilling on me. I looked down and saw the familiar strawberry blonde headed girl I wanted to see. She was trying to wipe off the drink from my shirt, but I just think she just made it worse. I laughed at her seriousness of the stain, but the stain wasn't a big deal to me. 

"I'm so sorry." Lydia finally looked up, realizing it was just me and her once tensed shoulders relaxed. "Sorry Stiles, didn't see you through the tall crowd." She said taking one last brush wipe on my shirt. I smiled at her, telling her it's no big deal. 

She tucked in a piece of hair that was out of place, and that's when I saw part of her wrist was a bright red. Like someone had held on to her too tight there. 

"Let's get you a new shirt, the smell of beer doesn't suit you." She said, dragging me to her room. 

I closed the door behind me, the music downstairs was less heard from up here. I looked around Lydia's room, noticing some new changes. But there was one that caught my eye. There was a picture of her and Jackson on her night table, now it was one of Lydia and I. It was an off guard of us, Lydia being on my lap. My hand around her waist, while we were laughing to something. I was looking at her, while her attention was at something else. 

"When will she see me as more of a best friend." I muttered to myself. I took off my shirt, and threw it on her bed side. 

"I think this shirt is-" As soon as Lydia turned around her eyes focused on something else. I went over to her, and saw that it was one of my shirts in her hand.

"Oh, that shirt works perfectly." I took the shirt, and put it on. But Lydia still looked shocked at something, but got her composure back. 

Before Lydia could go out the door, I blocked her way thinking maybe this might be a good time for me to tell her. 

"Lyds, can you sit down I need to tell you something." Lydia followed my orders and sat down. But I still wasn't ready to tell her, I need more time. But that was the thing, I don't have time. My palms were sweating like crazy, and I could tell Lydia was getting mad. 

"Stiles, am I going to have to wait till I'm 60 for you to get on with what you're saying." I was about to joke back of how I wouldn't be alive when you're going to be 60, but I bit on my tongue. 

I heard the music slow down into a slow song. 

"Will you just do me the honor of dancing with me to this sing?" It's not what he wanted to say, but it was better than nothing. 

Lydia got up from her spot, and went over to me. I noticed her strawberry blonde curls bounce when she got up, making me realize I'm totally head over heels for this girl. Her emerald green eyes just make me a little hazy, her smile just makes my world look brighter. 

I took Lydia's right hand in mine and her left on my shoulder, while my left hand was around her waist. We just swayed side to side to the beat of the music, having comfortable silence. 

Stiles payed attention to the mark on her right wrist, being very careful to not her Lydia. 

"Ow." She held on to her right wrist. Crap. I think I made the pain worse. 

"Lydia who did this to you?" I said carefully taking her right hand, and inspecting the bruise on her wrist.

"It's no big deal, some drunk guy just had a tight grip on me thinking that I was going to sleep with him." I hate when people take advantage of her, but new courage was found inside me, and I decided to do something. 

I know it kinda sounds weird but I kissed her wrist, it was a way my Mom use to take away the pain on my knees or elbows, but that was before she died. 

But after I did that, I gulped down a breath that I didn't know I was holding. I looked at Lydia in the eye, her cheeks showing a light red, like she was blushing. 

I focused on her lips, licking my own in the process. Then something inside me told her to kiss her, to take this chance, to show that actions speak louder than words. 

So I did, I kissed her. I cupped her cheeks, and leaned into the kiss. I was very hesitant at first, because Lydia seemed tensed, but then she gave in and kissed me back. 

As cliche as it sounds, fireworks were everywhere. I finally got to kiss the girl of my dreams. 

We slowly drifted apart, our foreheads resting against each other. The ends of my mouth curved up into a smile. 

"You don't know how long I've been wanting to do that."

I pulled Lydia into a hug, her head resting on my chest. 

"Does this finally mean your mine?" I whispered into her ear. 

Lydia giggled at my remark. "Yes Stiles that means were together." But my happy moment was ruined. There was a clock in Lydia's room, counting down, and I just imagined it counting down till the time I die. 

Time, why do you have to ruin my life? 

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